CBME Curriculum AMCH  
Community Medicine Phase I MBBS Lesson Plan  
Topic No. Lec.No. Comp. No. Titles: Topic, Competency with SLO & Lesson Teaching Methodology
1     Topic: Basic Biochemistry  
  BI1.1 Describe the molecular and functional
organization of a cell and its sub- cellular components.
    BI1.1 / SLO
1. Cell Composition
2. Subcellular organelles
3. Fluid Mosaic Model
4. Transport mechanisms 
1   Cell and its Organelles Lecture
2   Cell Transport Mechanism Lecture
3   Marker Enzymes SDL
4   Ultracentrifugation SGT
  BI11.1 Describe commonly used laboratory apparatus and
equipments, good safe laboratory practice and waste disposal.
    BI1.1 / SLO
1. Glass ware
2. Pipettes
3. laboratory safety practice
5,6   Demonstration of Laboratory Equipments & Glasswares Practical
  BI11.6 Describe the principles of colorimetry  
    BI11.6 / SLO
1. Introduction
2. Principle
3. Applications
7   Colorimetry Lecture
2     Topic: Enzyme  
  BI2.1 Explain fundamental concepts of enzyme,
isoenzyme, alloenzyme, coenzyme &
co-factors. Enumerate the main classes of
 IUBMB nomenclature.
    BI2.1 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Classification
3. Co-enzymes
8   Enzyme Classification Lecture
  BI2.2 Observe the estimation of SGOT & SGPT  
    BI2.2 / SLO
1. Principle
2. Method and Procedure
3. Interpretation
9,10   Demonstration of  estimation of SGOT & SGPT Practical
  BI2.3 Describe and explain the basic principles
of enzyme activity
    BI2.3 / SLO
1. Mode of Action
2. Factors Influencing Enzyme Activity
3. Specificity of Enzymes
11   Enzyme Kinetics Lecture
  BI2.4 Describe and discuss enzyme inhibitors as
poisons and drugs and as therapeutic enzymes
    BI2.4 / SLO
1. Types of Inhibition
2.  Drug Metabolism
3.  Regulation of Enzymes Activity
4. Therapeutic use of Enzymes
12   Enzyme Inhibition Lecture
13   Regulation of Enzymes Lecture
Describe and discuss the clinical utility of various
serum enzymes as markers of pathological conditions.

Discuss use of enzymes in laboratory investigations
(Enzyme-based assays)

Interpret laboratory results of enzyme activities &
describe the clinical utility of various enzymes as
markers of pathological conditions.
    BI2.5, BI2.6, BI2.7 / SLO
1. Definition of Isoenzymes
2. Enzymes in laboratory investigations
3. Clinical Significance of Various Isoenzymes
14   Clinical Enzymology Lecture
15   Enzyme in Clinical Diagnosis
16   Enzyme Regulation SGT
17   Enzyme Based Assays SGT
3     Metabolism and Homeostasis  
Describe the functions of haem in the body and describe
the processes involved in its metabolism and describe
porphyrin metabolism.

Describe the major types of haemoglobin and its derivatives
found in the body and their physiological/ pathological

Describe and discuss functions of proteins and
structure-function relationships in relevant areas
eg, hemoglobin and selected hemoglobinopathies
    BI6.11, BI6.12, BI5.2 / SLO
1. Structure of hemoglobin
2. Oxygen dissociation curve
3. Heme Metabolism
4. Hemoglobin derivatives
5. Hemoglobinopathies
6. Porphyrias
7. Anemia
18   Hemoglobin Stucture and Function & Hemoglobinopathies Lecture
19   Heme Metabolism - Synthesis Lecture
20   Heme Metabolism - Degradation Lecture
21   Porphyrias SGT
22   Biochemical investigations in Anemia  SDL
23,24   Define and classify hemolytic anemia
Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, hematologic indices and peripheral
blood picture of Acquired hemolytic anemia


Describe the tests that are commonly done in clinical
practice to assess the functions of these organs
(kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands).

Describe the abnormalities of kidney, liver, thyroid and
adrenal glands.

Explain the basis and rationale of biochemical tests
done in the following conditions:
- diabetes mellitus,
- dyslipidemia,
- myocardial infarction,
- renal failure, gout,
- proteinuria,
- nephrotic syndrome,
- edema,
- jaundice,
- liver diseases, pancreatitis, disorders of acid- base balance, -
thyroid disorders.
    BI6.14, BI6.15, BI11.17 / SLO
1. Function of Liver
2. Liver diseases
3. Interpretation of Liver Function Test
25   Liver Function Test Lecture
26,27   Describe & disscuss the Structure and functions
of liver and gall bladder
28,29   Demonstration of heme derivatives Practical
30,31   Demonstration of SGOT & SGPT  estimation Practical
32,33   Demonstration of Bilirubin estimation Practical
34,35   Demonstration of ALP estimation Practical

Describe the functions of various minerals in the body,
their metabolism and homeostasis.

Enumerate and describe the disorders associated with
mineral metabolism.
    BI6.9, BI6.10 / SLO
1. Sources
2. Functions
3. RDA
4. Disorders
36   Mineral Metabolism - Iron Lecture
37   Mineral Metabolism - Calcium Lecture
38   Mineral Metabolism - Iodine Lecture
39   Mineral Metabolism - Copper Lecture
40   Mineral Metabolism - Other Trace Minerals Lecture
41,42   Demonstration of Calcium estimation Practical
43,44   Demonstration of Phosporous estimation Practical
  BI6.5 Describe the biochemical role of vitamins in the body
and explain the manifestations of their deficiency
    BI6.5 / SLO
1. Sources
2. Functions
3. RDA
4. Disorders 
45   Vitamin - A Lecture
46   Vitamin - D Lecture
47   Vitamin - E and K Lecture
48   Vitamin - B1 & B2 Lecture
49   Vitamin - Niacin Lecture
50   Vitamin - B6 Lecture
51   Vitamin - Pantothenic Acid & Biotin, Choline Lecture
52   Vitamin - Folic Acid Lecture
53   Vitamin - B12 Lecture
54   Vitamin - C Lecture
55,56   Discuss and describe the aetiology, causes, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnosis and management of common vitamin deficiencies IT
  BI6.7 Describe the processes involved in maintenance of
normal pH, water & electrolyte balance of body fluids and
the derangements associated with these.
    BI6.7 / SLO
1. Fluid Compositions
2. Water Distribution and Balance
3. Body Fluids
4. Electrolyte Distribution and Balance
57   Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Lecture
58   Water and Electrolyte imbalance Lecture
59,60   Demonstration of  estimation of Electrolytes Practical
4     Topic: Chemistry and Metabolism of Carbohydrates  
  BI3.1 Discuss and differentiate monosaccharides,
di-saccharides and polysaccharides giving examples
of main carbohydrates as energy fuel, structural
element and storage in the human body
    BI3.1 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Classification
3. Structure and Properties
4. Reactions of Carbohydrates
61   Chemistry of Carbohydrates - Mono & Disaccharids Lecture
62   Chemistry of Carbohydrates - Polysaccharides Lecture
63,64   Reactions of Glucose &Fructose Practical
65,66   Reactions of Sucrose,Maltose & Lactose Practical

Describe the processes involved in digestion
and assimilation of carbohydrates and storage.

Describe and discuss the digestion and
assimilation of carbohydrates from food.
    BI3.2, BI3.3 / SLO
1. Mechanism of Digestion
2. Mechanism of Absorption
3. Disorders
67   Digestion and Absorption  of carbohydrate  Lecture

Define and differentiate the pathways of carbohydrate
metabolism, (glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen
metabolism, HMP shunt).

Describe and discuss the regulation, functions
and integration of carbohydrate along with
associated diseases/disorders.
    BI3.4, BI3.5 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Metabolic Pathway
3. Energetics
4. Regulation
5. Disorders
68   Glycolysis and its Regulation  Lecture
69   Gluconeogenesis and Cori Cycle Lecture
70   Glycogen Metabolism - I Lecture
71   Glycogen Metabolism - II Lecture
72   HMP Shunt Lecture
73   Glycogen Storage disorder SDL

Describe and discuss the concept of TCA cycle
as a amphibolic pathway and its regulation.

Describe the common poisons that inhibit crucial
enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism (eg; fluoride, arsenate)
    BI3.6, BI3.7 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Metabolic Pathway
3. Energetics
4. Regulation
5. Disorders
74   TCA Cycle and its Regulation Lecture
  BI3.8 Discuss and interpret laboratory results of analytes
associated with metabolism of carbohydrates.
    BI3.8 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Metabolic Pathway
3. Disorders
75   Glucuronic Acid & Polyol Patway Lecture
76   Fructose Metabolism Lecture
77   Galactose Metabolism Lecture
78   Alcohol Metabolism Lecture
79   Amino Sugar & Glycoprotein Lecture

Discuss the mechanism and significance of blood
glucose regulation in health and disease.

Interpret the results of blood glucose levels and
other laboratory investigations related to disorders of
carbohydrate metabolism.
    BI3.9, BI3.10 / SLO
1. Mechanism of Blood Glucose Regulation
2. Interpretation of Laboratory investigations
80   Regulation of Blood Glucose Lecture
81   Diabetes mellitus Lecture
82   Lab Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus SGT
  BI6.1 Discuss the metabolic processes that take place in
specific organs in the body in the fed and fasting states.
    BI6.1 /SLO
1. Metabolism of Fed State
2. Metabolism of Fasting State
83   Metabolism in Fed and Fasting states SDL
84,85   Estimation of Glucose Practical
5     Topic: Chemistry and Metabolism of Proteins  
  BI5.1 Describe and discuss structural organization of proteins.  
    BI5.1 / SLO
1. Primary Structure
2. Secondary Structure
3. Tertiary Structure
4. Quaternary Structure 
86   Chemistry Of Aminoacids Lecture
  BI5.3 Describe the digestion and absorption of dietary proteins.  
    BI5.3 / SLO
1. Mechanism of Digestion
2. Mechanism of Absorption
3. Disorders
87   Digestion and Absorption of Protein Lecture

Describe common disorders associated with
protein metabolism.

Interpret laboratory results of analytes associated
with metabolism of proteins.
    BI5.4, BI5.5 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Metabolic Pathway
3. Regulation
4. Compounds Derived and its Role
5. Disorders
88   Ammonia Metabolism Lecture
89   Urea Cycle & its Disorder Lecture
90   Glycine and Serine Lecture
91   Alanine, Threonine, Glutamic Acid, Lecture
92    Glutamine Aspartic Acid, Asparagine. Lecture
93   Sulphur Containing Amino Acids Lecture
94   Arginine. Nitric oxide. Lysine Lecture
95   Polyamines & Branched Chain Amino Acid Lecture
96   Phenyl Alanine, Tyrosine Lecture
97   Tryptophan Lecture
98   Histidine & Proline, One Carbon Metabolism Lecture
99   Prenatal Screcning Lecture
100   Disorders of Urea Cycle SDL
101   Micro albuminuria

102   New born Screening SGT




Describe the functions of the kidney, liver, thyroid and
adrenal glands.

Describe the tests that are commonly done in clinical
practice to assess the functions of these organs
(kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands).

Describe the abnormalities of kidney, liver, thyroid and
adrenal glands.

Explain the basis and rationale of biochemical tests
done in the following conditions:
- diabetes mellitus,
- dyslipidemia,
- myocardial infarction,
- renal failure, gout,
- proteinuria,
- nephrotic syndrome,
- edema,
- jaundice,
- liver diseases, pancreatitis, disorders of acid- base balance, -
thyroid disorders.

Calculate albumin: globulin (AG) ratio and creatinine clearance
    BI6.13, BI6.14, BI6.15, BI11.17, BI11.22 / SLO
1. Functions of Kidney
2. Renal diseases
3. Interpretation of Renal Function Test
4. Interpretation of Analysis of Abnormal Constituents in Urine
103   Renal Function Test Lecture
104,105   Describe & discuss Renal Function tests IT
106,107   Physical & Microscopic Examination of Urine Practical
108,109   Chemical Analysis of Urine Practical
110,111   Analysis of Glucose and Ketone Bodies in Urine Practical
112,113   Analysis of  Protein & Blood in Urine  Practical
114,115   Analysis of  Bile salt & Bile pigment in Urine  Practical
116,117   Estimation of Urea & Urea Clearance Practical
118,119   Estimation of Creatinine & Creatinine Clearance Practical
120,121   Estimation of Total Protein Practical
122,123   Estimation of Albumin  Practical
124,125   Analysis of Non Protein Nitrogen Substances in Urine Practical


Describe the functions of the kidney, liver, thyroid and
adrenal glands.

Describe the tests that are commonly done in clinical
practice to assess the functions of these organs
(kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands).

Describe the abnormalities of kidney, liver, thyroid and
adrenal glands.
    BI6.13, BI6.14, BI6.15 / SLO
1. Mechanism of Action of Hormones
2. Biochemical and Physiological role of Hormones
3. Function of Thyroid and Adrenal Gland
4. Disorders
5. Interpretation of Thyroid and Adrenal Function Test
126   Biosynthesis of Gonadal Hormones  Lecture
127   Mechanism of Hormones Lecture
128   Mechanism of Action of Hormones SDL
129   Interpretation of Thyroid and Adrenal Functions SDL
130,131   Describe function tests:  Thyroid gland; Adrenal cortex, Adrenal medulla and pancreas

Describe the functions of the kidney, liver, thyroid and
adrenal glands.

Explain the basis and rationale of biochemical tests
done in the following conditions:
- diabetes mellitus,
- dyslipidemia,
- myocardial infarction,
- renal failure, gout,
- proteinuria,
- nephrotic syndrome,
- edema,
- jaundice,
- liver diseases, pancreatitis, disorders of acid- base balance, -
thyroid disorders.
    BI6.13, BI11.17 / SLO
1. Function of Thyroid and Pancreatic Gland
2. Disorders
3. Interpretation of Thyroid and Pancreatic Function Test
4. Interpretation of Gastric Function Test
132   Thyroid & Pancreatic Function Test  Lecture
133   Gastric Function Test SGT
134,135   Demonstration of Thyroid Function Test Practical
136   Regulation of Blood Glucose
6     Topic: Chemistry and Metabolism of Lipids  

Describe and discuss main classes of lipids
(Essential/non-essential fatty acids, cholesterol and
 hormonal steroids, triglycerides, major phospholipids
 and sphingolipids) relevant to human system and
their major functions.

Enumerate advantages and/or disadvantages of use of
unsaturated, saturated and trans fats in food.
    BI4.1, BI11.24 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Classification
3. Structure and Properties
4. Biological role of Lipids
137   Chemistry of Lipids - I Lecture
138   Chemistry of Lipids - II Lecture
  BI4.2 Describe the processes involved in digestion and absorption
of dietary lipids and also the key features of their metabolism
    BI4.2 / SLO
1. Mechanism of Digestion
2. Mechanism of Absorption
3. Disorders
139   Digestion and Absorption of lipids Lecture
140   β - Oxidation of Fatty Acids Lecture
141   Fatty Acid Synthesis Lecture
142   Synthesis Triglyceride Lecture
143   Metabolism of Ketonebodies Lecture
144   Cholesterol Metabolism Lecture
145   Bile Acid Metabolism Lecture




Explain the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism &
associated disorders.

Describe the structure and functions of lipoproteins,
their functions, interrelations & relations with atherosclerosis

Interpret laboratory results of analytes associated
with metabolism of lipids

Describe the therapeutic uses of prostaglandins
and inhibitors of eicosanoid synthesis.

Interpret laboratory results of analytes associated
with metabolism of lipids.
    BI4.3, BI4.4, BI4.5, BI4.6, BI4.7 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Metabolic Pathway
3. Regulation
4. Disorders
146   Lipoprotein Metabolism and Disorders Lecture
147   Metabolism of Compound Lipids Lecture
148   Prostaglandins Lecture
149   Atherosceleorosis and Cardiac Markers Lecture
150   Hyper Lipoproteinemia SDL
151   Lipoprotein Metabolism SGT
152   Interpretation of Lipid Profile SGT
153   Adipose tissue Metabolism SGT
154   Prostaglandins SGT
155,156   Estimation of Serum Cholesterol Practical
157,158   Estimation of Serum Triglyceride Practical
159,160   Demonstration of Serum HDL Practical
161,162   Discuss and describe the lipid cycle and the role of dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis

Discuss and describe the indicatons, formulations, doses, side effects and
monitoring for drugs used in the management of dyslipidemia
  BI6.6 Describe the biochemical processes involved in
generation of energy in cells.
    BI6.6 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Components of ETC
3. Chemiosmotic Theory
4. Inhibitors of ETC
5. Uncouplers
163   Electron Transport Chain Lecture
164   Electron Transport Chain SGT


Describe the processes involved in maintenance of
normal pH, water & electrolyte balance of body fluids and
the derangements associated with these.

Discuss and interpret results of Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)
analysis in various disorders.

Describe the preparation of buffers and estimation of pH.

    BI6.7, BI6.8, BI11.2 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Buffer System
3. Regulation of Acid Base Balance
4. Anion Gap
5. Imbalance of Acid-Base Homeostasis
165   Acid Base Balance Lecture
166   Acid Base Disorders Lecture
167   Interpretation of Acid base disorders SDL
168   Regulation of Blood pH SGT
169   ABG Analysis in Various Diseases SGT

Describe the anti-oxidant defence systems in the body.

Describe the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis
of conditions such as cancer, complications of diabetes
mellitus and atherosclerosis.
    BI7.6,  BI7.7 / SLO
1. Free Radicals
2. Mechanism of Action of ROS
3. Scavenger System
4. Role of Antioxidants
170   Free Radicals and Anti-Oxidant Lecture
171   Antioxidant defence system
172   Role of Oxidative stress in various disease SDL
  BI7.5 Describe the role of xenobiotics in disease  
    BI7.5 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Phases of Detoxicification
3. Role of xenobiotics in disease
173   Xenobiotics Lecture
174   Heavy Metal Poisoning SDL
7     Nutrition  
  BI8.1 Discuss the importance of various dietary components
and explain importance of dietary fibre.
    BI8.1 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Sources
3. Biological role of Dietary Fibre
175   Dietary fibre Lecture
176   Dietary habits and its Nutritional Importances SDL

Describe the types and causes of protein energy
malnutrition and its effects.

Provide dietary advice for optimal health in childhood
and adult, in disease conditions like diabetes mellitus,
coronary artery disease and in pregnancy.
    BI8.2, BI8.3 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Classification
3. Etio-pathogenesis
4. Clinical Features
5. Management
177   Protein energy malnutrition Lecture
178   Protein energy malnutrition and its effects. SDL
179,180   Define Describe the etio-pathogenesis, Classify including WHO classification,
clinical features, complication and management of Severe Acute Malnourishment (SAM)
and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM)

Describe the causes (including dietary habits),
effects and health risks associated with being
overweight/ obesity.

Summarize the nutritional importance of commonly
used items of food including fruits and vegetables.
(macro-molecules & its importance)
    BI8.4, BI8.5 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Causes 
3 Regulation of Obesity
4. Assessment
5. Management
181   Obesity Lecture
182   Metabolic syndrome SGT
  BI11.23 Calculate energy content of different food Items, identify
food items with high and low glycemic index and explain
the importance of these in the diet
    BI11.23 /SLO
1. Definition
2. Factors affecting
3. Glycemic Index
183   Specific Dynamic action, BMR & Glycemic index  Lecture
184    Glycemic index of  food items SDL
8     Molecular Biology  
  BI7.1 Describe the structure and functions of DNA and RNA
and outline the cell cycle.
    BI7.1 / SLO
1. Structure  of DNA and RNA
2.Functions of DNA and RNA
3. Cell Cycle
185   Structure and functions of DNA and RNA  Lecture
186   Cell cycle. Lecture


Describe and discuss the metabolic processes in
which nucleotides are involved.

Describe the common disorders associated with
nucleotide metabolism.

Discuss the laboratory results of analytes associated
with gout & Lesch Nyhan syndrome.
    BI6.2, BI6.3, BI6.4 / SLO
1. Metabolic process of Nucleotides
2. Inhibitors of Nucleotides
3.  Disorders
187   Purine Metabolism and Gout Lecture
188   Pyrimidine Metabolism Lecture
189   Gout SGT
190   Analogues of Purine And Pyrimidine SDL
191,192   Estimation of Uric Acid Practical

Describe the processes involved in replication & repair
of DNA and the transcription & translation mechanisms.

Describe protein targeting & sorting along with its
associated disorders.
    BI7.2, BI9.3 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Central Dogma of Molecular biology
3. Inhibitors
4. Associated Disorders
193   DNA Replication Lecture
194   DNA Damage and Repair Lecture
195   Transcription Lecture
196   Post - Transcriptional Modification Lecture
197   Translation Lecture
198   Post - Translation Modification and Protein Targeting Lecture
199   Inhibitors of Replication, Transcription & Translation SGT
200   Disorders Associated with DNA damage and repair
201   Protein Targeting and its disorders SGT
  BI7.3 Describe gene mutations and basic mechanism of
regulation of gene expression.
    BI7.3 / SLO
1.  Gene mutations
2. Mechanism of Regulation of Gene Expression.
202   Regulation of Gene expression. Lecture
  BI7.4 Describe applications of molecular technologies like
recombinant DNA technology, PCR in the diagnosis and
treatment of diseases with genetic basis.
    BI7.4 / SLO
1. Principles
2. Molecular Techniques
3. Applications
203   Polymerisation chain Reaction  & RFLP Lecture
204   Recombinant DNA Technology Lecture
205   Gene Therapy Lecture
206   Blotting Techniques Lecture
207   DNA Sequencing Lecture
208   DNA finger printing and its application  SDL
9     Oncogenesis & immunity  

Describe the cancer initiation, promotion oncogenes &
oncogene activation. Also focus on p53 & apoptosis

Describe various biochemical tumor markers and the
biochemical basis of cancer therapy.
    BI10.1, BI10.2 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Biochemical Basis of Cancer
3. Tumor Markers
4. Cancer Therapy
209   Biochemical basis of cancer and tumor markers Lecture
210   Tumor Markers  SGT
211    Apoptosis SGT
212   Anti cancer therapy SGT
213,214   Describe the clinical epidemiology and inherited
assessment risk factors for common malignancies in India


Describe the cellular and humoral components of the
immune system & describe the types and structure of antibody

Describe & discuss innate and adaptive immune
responses, self/non-self recognition and the central role
of T-helper cells in immune responses.

Describe antigens and concepts involved in vaccine development.
    BI10.3, BI10.4, BI10.5 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Classification
3. Structure and its Function
4. Immunoglobinopathies
215   Structure of Immunoglobins and its Types Lecture
216   Immunoglobinopathies SGT
10     Extra Cellular Matrix  

List the functions and components of the extracellular
matrix (ECM).

Discuss the involvement of ECM components in health
and disease.
    BI9.1, BI9.2 / SLO
1. Components of ECM
2. Functions
3. Role of ECM in Health and Disease
217   Extra Cellular Components in Health and Disease and
Collagen (ECM)
218   Collagen disorders SGT
219   Plasma Proteins Lecture
220,221   Demonestration Separation of serum Proteins by Electrophoresis Practical
11     Biochemical Laboratory Tests  

Discuss the principles of spectrophotometry.

Outline the basic principles involved in the functioning of
instruments commonly used in a biochemistry laboratory
and their applications.
    BI11.18, BI11.19 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Principles
3. Procedure
4. Applications
222   Spectophotometry and Colorimetry and
its Application

Describe screening of urine for inborn errors & describe
the use of paper chromatography

Observe use of commonly used equipments/techniques
in biochemistry laboratory including:
•pH meter
•Paper chromatography of amino acid
•Protein electrophoresis
•Electrolyte analysis by ISE
•ABG analyzer
•Quality control
•DNA isolation from blood/ tissue
    BI11.5, BI11.16 / SLO
1. Definition
2. Principles
3. Procedure
4. Applications
223   ELISA and RIA  Lecture
224    Chromatography Lecture
225   Applications of Chromatography SDL
226,227   Demonstration of Separation of Amino acids by Paper Chromatography Practical
228,229   Demonstration of Auto Analyzer Practical
  BI11.15 Describe & discuss the composition of CSF  
    BI11.15 / SLO
1. Composition of Body Fluids
2. Interpretation of CSF Analysis
230   Body Fluids Lecture
231   CSF Analysis SGT
232,233   Demonstration of Glucometer Practical