CBME Curriculum AMCH  
Microbiology Phase II MBBS Lesson Plan  
Topic No. Lec.No. Comp. No. Titles: Topic, Competency with SLO & Lesson Teaching Methodology
1   Topic General Microbiology & Immunity  
  MI 1.1 Describe the different causative agents of Infectious diseases, the methods used in their detection, and discuss the role of microbes in health and disease  
1   Introduction and History Lecture
1.History of Microbiology
2. Contributions of various scientists towards Microbiology
3. Koch's Postulate
2   Microscopy Lecture
1.Parts&types of Microscope
2.Principles of each Microscrope
3.Uses of Microscope
3   Morphology of Bacteria Lecture
1.Structure of Bacteria
2.Enumerate Staining techiniques
4   Overview of Gram positive bacterial infections Lecture
1.Definition and examples of Gram positive cocci
2.Examples of gram positive bacilli
3.Media used and Antibiotics tested for gram negative bacteria
5   Physiology of Bacteria SDL
1.Describe Bacterial growth curve
2.Describe Bacterial nutrition
3.Defintion of  Bacteriocins & its uses
6   Overview of Gram Negative Bacterial infections -1 Lecture
1.Enumerate Gram negative cocci infection,
2.Media used and Antibiotics tested for Gram negative cocci infections
2.Enumerate Enterobacteriaceae and gram negative anaerobic infections
7   Overview of Gram Negative Bacterial infections-2 Lecture
1.Enumerate Non fermenting gram Negative Bacterial infections
2.Media used and Antibiotics tested for Non fermenting Gram negatives
3.Rickettsiaceae and chlamydiae infections
8   Culture Media and Culture Methods SGD
1.Types and uses of different bacterial culture media
2.Types of different culture methods
9   Bacterial Genetics Lecture
1.Mechanism of Gene transfer
2.Definition, types & Uses of Plasmids
3.Mechanisms of drug resistance in Bacteria
10   Identification of Bacteria  Lecture
1.Morphological & Staining methods of identification of bacteria
11   Identification of Bacteria  SGD
1.Cultural characteristics & Biochemical tests used for  identification of bacteria
12   General Virology & Over view of Viral infection Lecture
1.Classification of viruses
2.Methods of Cultivation of virus
13   Virus Host Interaction Lecture
1.Pathogenesis of viral infections
2.Laboratory diagnosis of protozoal infections
14   General Parasitology & Overview of parasitic infections-Protozoal Lecture
1.classification of parasites
2.pathogenesis  and labaratory diagnosis of protozoal  infectons
15   Overview of parasitic infections-Helminths  Lecture
1.Pathogenis of helmints
2.Labaratory diagnosis of helmints
16   Normal Microbial Flora of Human Body SGD
1.Role of Normal flora
2.Normal flora of skin and mucosal surfaces
17   Overview of fungal infections and General Mycology Lecture
1.Classification of fungus
2.Labaratory diagnosis of fungal infections 
18   Microbial Pathogenesis SGD
1.Different Sources of infection
2.Methods of transmission of infections
3.Types of infections diseases
19   Blood stream infections, sepsis, septic shock, CRBSI Lecture
1.Definition of  BSI, sepsis, Septic shock & CRBSI
2.Types of blood stream infection
20   Rickettsial infections Lecture
1.Classification of Rickettsial diseases
2.Pathogenesis &Laboratory diagnosis of Rickettsial diseases
  21   Plague SDL
1.Etiopathogenesis of Plague
3.Laboratory diagnosis of Plague
22   Dengue, chikungunya, and Zikavirus SGD
1.Pathogenesis of Dengue, chikungunya, and Zikavirus
2.Lab diagnosis of Dengue, chikungunya, and Zikavirus
23   Other viral hemorrhagic fever- Kyasanuar forest disease (KFD), Ebola and Marburg virus, Hantaviruses SGD
1.Pathogenesis of  Kyasanuar forest disease (KFD), Ebola and Marburg virus, Hantaviruses
2.Lab diagnosis of  Kyasanuar forest disease (KFD), Ebola and Marburg virus, Hantaviruses
24   Trypanosomiasis  SGD
1.Life cycle & etiopathogesis of Trypanosomiasis
2.Lab diagnosis of Trypanosomiasis 
25    Schistosomiasis Lecture
1.Life cycle & Etiopathogenesis of Schistosomiasis
3.Laboratory diagnosis of Schistosomiasis
26   Systemic mycosis and Candidiasis Lecture
1.Classification of Systemic mycosis
2.Pathogenesis of Systemic mycosis & Candidiasis
3.Laboratory diagnosis of Systemic mycosis & Candidiasis
27   Echinococcosis (hydatid disease)Other parasitic infections of liver- amoebic liver abscess , Fasciola hepatica infection

Parasitic infections infecting bile duct- Clonorchis, Opisthorchis
1.Life cycle & etio Pathogenesis of Hepatobiliary Parasitic infections
2.Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatobiliary Parasitic infections
28   Infective syndromes of eye

1.Etiopathogenesis of ophthalmic  infections
2.Laboratory diagnosis of ophthalmic  infections
29   Infective syndromes of ear, nose and oral cavity  SGD
1.Etiopathogenesis of ENT infections
3.Laboratory diagnosis of ENT infections
30   Vector-borne infections ,Laboratory acquired infections SDL
1.Etiology,Life cycle
3.Laboratory diagnosis
  MI 1.2 Perform and identify the different causative agents of Infectious diseases by Gram Stain, ZN stain and stool routine microscopy  
31,32   Microscopy Practical
1.Diagram with Parts
2.Types & Principles of microscopes
33,34   Gram Staining-1 Practical
1.Perform Gramstain for the given smear
2. Write the Observation & Inference
35,36   Morphology of Bacteria Culture media & Methods Practical
1.Identify thepahogen from Microscopic appearance( spotters)
2. Identify the  Culture media and mention its uses
3.Identify the culture methods used (Anerobic jar OSPE)
37,38   Laboratory diagnosis of viral infections- microscopy,cultivation, serology, molecular tests Practical
1.Identify the viral infection from the given clinical history & Histopathological stain
2.Identify the cultivation method used for Virus identification
3.Identify the Serological test/Molecular test used for Virus identification
39,40   Stool Microscopy -1
Peripheral blood smear
1.Perform the stool microscopy & Identify the parasite egg
2.Identify the The stages of parasite in peripheral blood smear
41,42   Gram Staining-2
Stool Microscopy-2
    1.Perform Gramstain for the given smear
2.To record the Observation & Inference

1.Perform the stool microscopy & Identify the parasite egg
2.Identify the The stages of parasite in peripheral blood smear
43,44   Acid fast staining-1 Practical
1.Perform Acid fast staining for the given smear
2.To Record the Observation &  Inferance
45,46   Acid fast staining-2 Practical
1.Perform Acid fast staining for the given smear
2.To Record the Observation &  Inferance
47,48   Gram staining -3 Practical
    1.Perform Gramstain for the given smear
2.To record  the Observation & Inference
49,50   Parasitology
Stool Microscopy-3
1.To Perform the stool microscopy & Identify the parasite egg
2.Identify the The stages of parasite in peripheral blood smear
3. To identify the parasite from the given chart (OSPE)
51,52    Stool examination-4 Practical
1.To Perform the stool microscopy & Identify the parasite egg
2.Identify the The stages of parasite in peripheral blood smear
3. To identify the parasite from the given chart (OSPE)
53,54   Stool microscopy-5
Intestinal amoebiasis, Giardiasis, Intestinal coccidian parasites
1.Perform the stool microscopy & Identify the parasite egg
2.Identify the The stages of parasite in peripheral blood smear
3. To identify the parasite from the given chart (OSPE)
55,56   Acid fast staining-3 Practical
1.Perform Acid fast staining for the given smear
2.To Record the Observation &  Inference
57,58   Acid fast staining-4 Practical
1.Perform Acid fast staining for the given smear
2.To Record the Observation &  Inference
  MI 1.1
MI 1.2
Describe the different causative agents of Infectious diseases, the methods used in their detection, and discuss the role of microbes in health and disease

Perform and identify the different causative agents of Infectious diseases by Gram Stain, ZN stain and stool routine microscopy
59,60   Mycology-1
Laboratory diagnosis of  fungal infections--KOH mount, Gramstain (yeast), India ink, LPCB mount
1.To identify the Staining technic & fungus  from the given Microscopic appearance
2.Record your observation
61,62   Mycology-2
Laboratory diagnosis of  fungal infections--KOH mount, Gramstain (yeast), India ink, LPCB moun
1.To identify the Staining technic & fungus  from the given Microscopic appearance
2.Record your observation
  MI 1.3 Describe the epidemiological
basis of common infectious diseases
63   Epidemiology of  infectious diseases SDL
1.Definition of Epidemiology of Infectious diseases
2.Sources & Transmission of Infectious diseases
  MI 1.4 Classify and describe the different methods of sterilization and disinfection.Discuss the application of the different methods in the laboratory, in clinical and surgical practice  
64   Sterilization  Lecture
1.Types of Sterilization
2.Methods & Uses of  Sterilization 
65   Sterilization and Disinfection & CSSD INTEGRATED
1.Role of CSSD in a hospital
2.Types of disinfection
3.Quality control
  MI 1.4

MI 1.5
Classify and describe the different methods of sterilization and disinfection.Discuss the application of the different methods in the laboratory, in clinical and surgical practice

Choose the most appropriate method of sterilization and disinfection to be used in specific situations in the laboratory, in clinical and surgical practice
66   Disinfection SGD
1.Types and Methods of  Disinfection
2.Tests & Uses of  Disinfection
  MI 1.5 Choose the most appropriate method of sterilization and disinfection to be used in specific situations in the laboratory, in clinical and surgical practice  
67,68   Sterilization and Disinfection  
1.To segreggate the given articles in to respective  Sterilization and Disinfection method( OSPE)
  MI 1.6 Describe the mechanisms of drug resistance, and the methods of antimicrobial susceptibility testing and monitoring of antimicrobial therapy  
69   Antimicrobials: Antimicrobial Resistance,Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing,  Lecture
1.Types of  Drug Resistannce
2.Types & Uses of different  Antibitic susceptibility testing methods
70   Monitoring of antimicrobial therapy,Antimicrobial stewardship Lecture
1.Definition & Purpose of Antimicrobial stewardship programme
2.Definition of Antibiotic Policy & its uses
71   Antimicrobial stewardship and Rational use of antimicrobial
1.Definition of Rational use of Antimicrobial agents
2.Principle of Empirical, Prophylactic & Definitive antibiotic therapy
72   Antimicrobials: Antimicrobial Resistance, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing,Steward ship INTEGRATED
1. Classification of Antimicrobial agents
2. Types of Antimicrobial Resistance
3.Antibiotic Stewardship programme
  MI 1.7 Describe the immunological  mechanisms in health  
73   Immunity (Innate and Acquired)-Immunologicalmechanisms in health Lecture
1.Types of Immunity
2.Mechanism of Immunity 
  MI 1.8 Describe the mechanisms of immunity and response of the host immune system to infections  
74   Components of ImmuneSystem- Organs,cells and products Lecture
1.Primary and secondary lymphoid organs
2.Classification & Function of T cell & B cell
75   Componentsof ImmuneSystem- Organs,cells and products SGD
1. Definition of MHC
2. Types and Function of MHC
  76   Antigen & Antibody Lecture
1.Definition,Types and Determinants of Antigen
2.Structure,Types & Function of Antibodies
3.Abnormal immunoglobulins
77   Antigen  Antibody  Reaction Lecture
1.Types & Principle of antigen  and antibody reactions
2.Principle & Uses of RIA
3.Principle , Types & uses of ELISA
78   Complement SGD
1.Componenets & Pathways of Complement
2.Biological effects of Complement
3.Complement Deficiency disorders
79   Immune Responses:  Antibody-mediated   Lecture
1.Types of Immune response
2.Factors influencing Antibody production & Monoclonal antibodies`
80   Immune Responses:  Cell-mediated (CMI) Lecture
1.Scope of CMI
2.Function & Detection of CMI
3.Mechanism of  Immunological tolerance
  MI 1.8

 MI  8.15
Describe the mechanisms of immunity and response of the host immune system to infections

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
81,82   Antigen-Antibody Reaction
 (conventional)- agglutination and precipitation
1.Identify the Serological test
2.Explain the Principle of the given serological test
3.Interpret and mention the uses of the test
  MI 1.9 Discuss the immunological basis of  vaccines  and describe the Universal Immunisation schedule  
83   Immunoprophylaxis  INTEGRATED
1.Immunological basis of vaccines
2.Types of Vaccine
3.Universal immunisation schedule
  MI 1.10 Describe the immunological mechanisms in immunological disorder (hypersensitivity, autoimmune disorders and immunodeficiency states) and discuss the laboratory methods used in detection.  
84   Autoimmunity SGD
1.Mechanism of auto immunity
2.List of Auto immune disorders
85   Hypersensitivity Lecture
1.Types of Hypersensitivity
2.Mechanism & Examples of Hypersensitivity
86   Immunodeficiency
1.Classification of Primary immunodeficiency disorders
2.Secondary immunodeficiency disorders
  MI 1.11 Describe the immunological mechanisms of  transplantation and tumor immunity  
87   Transplant and Cancer Immunology
1.Immunology of transplantation
2.Types of Graft , Graft rejection. Graft vs Host disease
3..Immunogy of malignancy
88   Immunohaematology SGD
1.Blood grouping system
2.Application of blood group
3.Pathogenesis,Diagnosis & Prophylaxis of RH incompatibility & ABP Incompatibility
2   TOPIC Cardio vascular
 System & Blood 
  MI 2.1

MI 2.2
Describe the etiologic agents in rheumatic fever 
and their diagnosis

Describe the classification etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and discuss the diagnostic modalities of Infective endocarditis
89   Infectionsof CVS-
Rheumaticfever,Infective endocarditis.
Other infections of CVS  - myocarditis and pericarditis, suppurative thrombophlebitis, infective endoarteritis, mycotic aneurysm, mediastinitis
1.Etiopathogenesis & Lab diagnosis of Rheumatic fever & Infective endocarditis
2.Etiopathogenesis of myocarditis and pericarditis, suppurative thrombophlebitis, infective endoarteritis, mycotic aneurysm, mediastinitis
  MI 2.3

 MI 8.15
Identify the microbial agents causing
Rheumatic Heart Disease & infective Endocarditis

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
90,91   Sepsis, CRBSI, Rheumatic fever,
Infective endocarditis
1.To identify the given serological test,
2.Interpret&  Mention the principle of the test
3.Identify the pathogen from the given colony morphology , biochemical tests and interpret the AST  
  MI 2.4 List the common microbial agents causing anemia.Describe the morphology, mode of infection anddiscuss the pathogenesis, clinical course, diagnosis  and prevention and treatment of the common microbial agents causing Anemia  
92   Infections causing  anemia SDL
1.Classification & pathogenesis of anemia
2.Microorganisim causing anemia 
  MI 2.5
MI 1.1
Describe the etio-pathogenesis and discuss
the clinical evolution and the laboratory diagnosis of kalaazar, malaria, filariasis and other common parasites prevalent in India

Describe the different causative agents of Infectious diseases, the methods used in their detection, and discuss the role of microbes in health and disease
93   Malaria-1 Lecture
1.Classification of Plasmodium
2.Lifecycle & pathogenesis of Plasmodium
94   Malaria-2
1.Complication & lab diagnosis  of Malaria
2.Life cycle, pathogenesis&lab diagnosis of Babesiosis
95   Leishmaniasis Lecture
1.Life cycle and pathogenesis of Leishmaniasis
2.Lab diagnosis of Leishmaniasis
96   Lymphatic filariasis Lecture
1.Classification & life cycle, lymphatic filariasis
2.Lab diagnosis of Filariasis
  MI 2.6

MI 8.15
Identify the causative agent of malaria and filariasis

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
97,98   Malaria,Leishmaniasis,
 Lymphatic filariasis
1.Identify the pathogen & its stage in the pheriperal blood smear picture
2.Record your Observation & Inference
  MI 2.7 Describe the epidemiology,  the etio- pathogenesis, evolution complications, opportunistic infections, diagnosis, prevention and the principles of management of HIV  
1.Morphology of HIV
2.Epidemiology and pathogenesis of HIV
3.Clinical feature & lab diagnosis of HIV
4.Opportunistic infections & malignancy associated with HIV
  MI 2.7

  MI 8.15

Describe the epidemiology,  the etio- pathogenesis, evolution
complications, opportunistic infections, diagnosis, prevention
and the principles of management of HIV

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
100,101   HIV and Dengue,  Practical
1.To Identify the serological test
2.What is the principle of the serological test
3.To Record the Interpretation of test
3   TOPIC Gastro Intestinal  &
Hepato biliary system
  MI 3.1 Enumerate the microbial agents causing  diarrhea and dysentery. Describe the  epidemiology, morphology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and diagnostic modalities  of these agents
102   Normal commensals
Gastrointestinal infective syndromes
1.List of normal commensals of GIT
2.Classify GI infective syndrome -diarrhoeal dieases,food poisoning,infections of GI tract
103   Shigellosis
Nontyphoidal salmonellosis Diarrheogenic E.coli
1.Classification,identification,pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of shigellosis
2.Pathogenesis, lab diagnosis of non typhoidal salmonellasis
3.Diarrhoeagenic strains of E.Coli(Pathogenesis, lab diagnosis)
104   Cholera and halophilic Vibrio infections Lecture
1.Classification of Vibrio
2.Pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Vibrio cholera & Halophilic Vibrio 
105   Viral gastroenteritis Lecture
1.Enumerate Viruses causing gasteroenteritis
2.Lab diagnosis & Prophylaxis of viral gasteroenteritis
106   Intestinal amoebiasis
1.Morphological forms of Entameba histolytica & Balantidium coli
2.Pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Intestinal amoebasis & Balantidiasis
107   Giardiasis
Intestinal coccidian parasites and microsporidia infections

1.Morphological forms of Giardia lambia
2.life cycle,Pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Giardia
3.Life cycle, pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of intestinal cocidian & microscoporium infection
108   Intestinal cestode infections - Diphyllobothrium latum ,
Taenia, Hymenolepis
Intestinal trematodes infections – Fasciolopsis buski
1.Morphological forms of intestnal Cestodes & Trematodes
2.Life cycle ,pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Intestinal Cestode& Trematodes
109   Intestinal nematodes- Ascaris, hookworm, Trichuris,
Enterobius and Strongyloides
1.Morphological forms Intestinal Nematodes
2.Life cycle, pathogenesis &lab diagnosis of Intestinal Nematodes
  MI 3.2

MI 8.15
Identify the common etiologic agents of  diarrhea and dysentery

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
110,111   Dysentery(Shigellosis),
Diarrhea (NTS, cholera)
1.Identify the given pathogen from the clinical history, colony morphology & biochemical tests
2.Interpret & Record the Antibiotic sensitivity  
112,113   Intestinal cestode and nematode infection(OSPE) Practical
1.Identify the parasite from the given Picture & Chart
  MI 3.3 Describe the enteric fever pathogens and   discuss the evolution of the clinical course  and the laboratory diagnosis of the diseases
caused by them
114   Enteric (typhoid) fever Lecture
1.Etiopathogenesis ,lab diagnosis & prophylaxis of enteric fever 
  MI 3.4

MI 8.15
Identify the different modalities for diagnosis of  enteric fever. Choose the appropriate test related to the duration of illness

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
115,116   Enteric (typhoid) fever,
1.Identify the given serological test
2.Principle of the test, interpret the given test
MI 3.5
MI 3.1
Enumerate the causative agents of  food poisoning and discuss the pathogenesis, clinical course and laboratory diagnosis

Enumerate the microbial agents causing  diarrhea and dysentery. Describe the  epidemiology, morphology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and diagnostic modalities  of these agents
117   Food poisoning- Bacillus cereus , Clostridium botulinum , mycotoxins
Antibiotic associated diarrhea- Clostridiodes difficile
1.Etiopathogenesis ,lab diagnosis of food poisoning
2.Pathogenesis &lab diagnosis of antibiotic associated diarrhea
  MI 3.6

Describe the etio-pathogenesis of Acid peptic disease (APD) and the
clinical course. Discuss the diagnosis and management of the causative agent of APD
118   Helicobacter infection (acid peptic disease)
Campylobacter infections Yersiniosis
1.Etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of acid  peptic disease
2.Morphology,pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Campylobacter infection&Yersiniosis
  MI 3.7 Describe the epidemiology, the etio-pathogenesis and discuss the viral markers in the evolution of Viral hepatitis. Discuss the modalities in the diagnosis and prevention of viral hepatitis  
119   Agents of Viral Hepatitis
-Hepatitis B  viruse

1.Epidemiology & etiopathogenesis& Serological markers of Hepatitis B virus
2.Lab diagnosis & Prevention of hepatitis B virus
120   Agents of Viral Hepatitis
- other Hepatitis viruse

1.Epidemiology ,etiopathogenesis of hepatitis A,E,C,D viruses
2.Lab diagnosis &Prevention of Hepatitis A,E,C,D viruses
121   Agents of Viral Hepatitis
-Yellow fever
-Epstein-Barr virus
1.Epidemiology ,etiopathogenesis of yellow fever, Cytomegalo virus & Epsteinbarr virus
2.Lab diagnosis of Yellow fever ,Cytomegalo virus &Epsteinbarr virus
3.Prophylaxis of yellow fever 
  MI 3.8

 MI 8.15
Choose the appropriate laboratory test in
the diagnosis of viral hepatitis with emphasis on viral markers

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
122,123   Viral Hepatitis, parasites causing liver infection Practical
1.Identify the serological test
2.Principle of the test & interpretation of given test
3.Identify the given parasite
4   TOPIC Musculoskeletal system
& Soft tissue infections
  MI 4.1

MI 4.2

MI 4.3
Enumerate the microbial agents causing
anaerobic infections. Describe the etiopathogenesis,  clinical course and discuss the laboratory diagnosis
of anaerobic infections

Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical course and discuss the laboratory diagnosis of bone & joint infections

Describe the etio-pathogenesis of infections of skin and soft tissue and discuss the clinical course and the laboratory diagnosis
124   Infective syndromes of skin, soft tissue, musculoskeletal systems  Lecture
1.List out the infective syndrome of the skin,soft tissue & musculo skeletal syndrome
2.Etiology of the infective syndromes 
  MI 4.1

MI 4.3

MI 8.15
Enumerate the microbial agents causing
anaerobic infections. Describe the etiopathogenesis,  clinical course and discuss the laboratory diagnosis
of anaerobic infections

Describe the etio-pathogenesis of infections of skin and soft tissue and discuss the clinical course and the laboratory diagnosis

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
125,126   Staphylococcal, Streptococcal infections and Anaerobic infections Practical
1.Identify the given bacterial infection from the colony morphology, biochemical reaction
2.Interpret & record the antibiotic sensitivity  
127   Gas gangrene (Clostridium perfringens ) Tetanus (Clostridium tetani )
Infections due to non-spring anaerobes
1.Etiopathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Gasgangrene & Tetanus
2.Enumerate the non-sporing anaerobes & infection produced by them
128   Tetanus, botulism
1.Etiopathogenesis & CNS manifestation of Tetanus
2.Etiopathogenesis of Botulism & Neurocysticercosis
3.Lab diagnosis of Botulism & Neurocysticercosis
  MI 4.3 Describe the etio-pathogenesis of infections of skin and soft tissue and discuss the  clinical course and the laboratory diagnosis  
129   Staphylococcal infections  Lecture
1.Classify & Enumerate the virulence  factors of Staphlococcus
2.Enumerate the Staphlococcal infections
3.Lab diagnosis of Staphylococcus infections 
130   Streptococcal infections pertaining to SSTI
Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis )
1.Classify Streptococcus & Enumerate the  virulence factors / etiopathogenesis of Streptococcal skin infections
2.Lab diagnosis of Streptococcus infections 
3.Enumerate etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Anthrax 
131   Leprosy SDL
1.Etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Leprosy
2.Types of lepra reactions
132   Infection due to non-fermeneters :(Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Burkholderia including Melioidosis)

Infection due to Actinomycetes and Nocardia
1.List out the Non-formenting gram negative bacilli(NFGNB)& enumerate the etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of NFGNB
2.Morphology, etiopathogenesis ,lab diagnosis of Actinomycetes & Nocardia
133   Viral exanthems :  parvovirus, HHV-6, Pox viruses, Varicella zoster (chickenpox and zoster)
Viral exanthems -)Measles, rubella
Herpes simplex
1.Definition & etiology of viral exanthems
2.A note on Parvovirus ,HHV6.Poxvirus ,Varicella zoster
3.Enumerate etiopathogenesis & lab dignosis of Measles, Rubella & Herpes simplex
134   Superficial fungal infections
Subcutaneous fungal infections Cutaneous and mucosal Candidiasis
Penicillium marneffei
1.Classify superficial Mycosis
2.Clinical features & lab diagnosis of Dermatophytes
3.Pathogenesis, clinical features & lab diagnosis of Candidiasis
4.Pathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Pencillium marneffei
  MI 4.3

 MI 8.15
Describe the etio-pathogenesis of infections of skin and soft tissue
 and discuss the clinical course and the laboratory diagnosis

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
135,136   Anthrax,Leprosy,Pseudomonas , Melioidosis, Actinomycetes
and Nocardia
1.Identify the given bacterial  from the colony morphology, biochemical reaction and Interpret  the antibiotic sensitivity
2.Identify clinical condition ,etiology from the given chart (OSPE)
137,138   SSTI due to Superficial
and Subcutaneous fungal infections,Cutaneous and mucosal Candidiasis
1.Identify the given fungus from the culture, slide and clinical chart
139   Tissue nematode infections of skin and soft-tissue-
 Onchocerca, Loa loa, Mansonella and Dracunculus , Trichinella, cysticercosis, Larva migrans and other parasitic
infections of lower animals infecting man
1.Life cycle,etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Oncocerca ,Loa loa ,Mansonella,Drancunculus
2.Morphology ,etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Cysticercosis
3.Etiology, clinical features & lab diagnosis of Larva migrans
5   TOPIC Central Nervous
system infections
  MI 5.1 Describe the etiopathogenesis,  clinical course and discuss the
 laboratory diagnosis of meningitis
140   Infective syndromes of CNS  Lecture
1.List the various infective syndromes of CNS
2.Etiology of infective syndrome of CNS
141   Agents of pyogenic meningitis: Neisseria meningitidis,
Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Streptococcus agalactiae, Haemophilus influenzae, Listeria
1.Morphology, etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of Neisseria meningitis
2.Morphology, etiophogenesis & lab diagnosis of Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophillus influenzae, Listeria
142   Agents of aseptic meningitis-1:
 Viral agents: (including polio, coxsackie virus, mumps)
1.Morphology, clinical feature,  lab diagnosis & prophylaxis of Polio virus
2.Etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of coxssackie virus & mumps 
143   Agents of aseptic meningitis-2: Other agents: Spirochaetal meningitis, tubercular meningitis, cryptococcal meningitis
and other fungi affecting CNS
1.Clinical feature & lab diagnosis of different types of Aseptic meningtitis 
  MI 5.2 Describe the etiopathogenesis,  clinical course and discuss the
 laboratory diagnosis of encephalitis
144   Viral agents of encephalitis-1: Arboviral encephalitis (JE and Westnile), Nipah virus infection, Slow viral infections Lecture
1.Classification of Arbovirus, etiology, clinical featurs & lab diagnosis  of Japanese B encephalis, Nipah virus & Slow virus infection
145   Viral agents of encephalitis-2: Rabies and HSV encephalitis SGD
1.Morphology & etiopathogenesis  of Rabies & HSV
2.Clinical stages, lab diagnosis & prophylaxis of Rabies
3.Lab diagnosis of HSV
146   Parasites causing encephalitis:
1.Morphology, life cycle of Toxoplasma
2.Clinical feature & lab diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis
147   Parasites causing encephalitis:
Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (Naegleria), granulomatous ameobic encephalitis (Acanthamoeba and Balamuthia ),
1.Etiopathogenesis and lab diagnosis of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis & Granulomatous ameobic encephalitis 
  MI 5.2

 MI 5.3

MI 8.15
Describe the etiopathogenesis,  clinical course and discuss the
 laboratory diagnosis of encephalitis

Identify the microbial agentscausing meningitis

Choose and Interpret the results of the laboratory tests used in diagnosis of the infectious disease
148,149   Agents of pyogenic meningitis (N.meningitidis,
Streptococcus pneumoniae, S.agalactiae, Haemophilus

Aseptic meningitis
(tubercular meningitis, cryptococcal
meningitis) and Encephalitis
1.Identify the bacteria from microscopy, colony morphology and biochemical reactions, and interpret the antibiotic sensitivity test
2.Identify the pathogen from the given Chart (OSPE)
  MI 6.1 Describe the etio-pathogenesis, laboratory  diagnosis and prevention of Infections of upper and lower respiratory tract  
150   Normal commensals
and defense mechanisms Infective syndrome of respiratory system 
1.Enumerate the normal flora of various parts of human body
2.Describe the role of normal flora
3.Enumerate the defense mechanisms of Respiratory tract
151   Bacterial URTI: -
Diphtheria ,Group A Streptococccus
1.Etiopathogenesis, lab diagnosis of Diphtheria & group A Streptococci
2.Prophylaxis of Diphtheria
152   Viral URTI-1: Rhinovirus, adenovirus and infectious mononucleosis (EBV)
Fungal URTI: Zygomycosis
1.Etiopathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Adenovirus EB virus and Rhinovirus
2.Etiopathogenesis and lab diagnosis of zygomycosis
153   Viral URTI-1: Influenza-like illness
and orthomyxovirus & SARS COV 2
1.Etiopathogenesis of Influenza like illness
2.Lab diagnosis of Orthomyxo virus and SARS Cov-2
154   Agents of typical pneumonia:
Pneumococcal pneumonia , Haemophilus influenzae
Bordetella infections
1.Etiology and lab diagnosis of Pnemococcal pnemonia , Bordetella and H.influenza infection
2.Enumerate the prophylaxis 
155   Tuberculosis -MTB INTEGRATED
1.Morphology of Mycobactrieum tuberculosis
2.Lab diagnosis of Tuberculosis
3.Pathogenesis & clinical features of pulmaonary and extra pulmonary tuberclosis
4.Prophylaxis and treatment for Tuberclosis
156   Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria Lecture
1.Classify Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria
2.Pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria
157   Agents of atypical pneumonia(Bacterial):
Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and Legionella
1.Etiopathogenesis of Atypical Pneumonia
2.Lab diagnosis of Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and Legionella
158   Viral agents of LRTI
Paramyxovirus infections- Parainfluenza, RSV
1.Etiopathogenesis of Paramyxovirus infections
2.Lab diagnosis of RSV and Para infiuenza virus 
159   Viral agents of LRT-
Coronaviruses including SARS-CoV and MERS CoV
1.Classification & morphology of Corona viruses
2.Pathogenesis, epidemiology and lab diagnosis of MERS COV and SARS COV2
160   Fungal agents causing respiratory tract infection: zygomycosis, aspergillosis, pneumocystosis Parasitic agents causing respiratory tract infection:
1.Etiolopathogenesis and  lab diagnosis of zygomycosis, Aspergilliosis, Penumocystosis
2.Lifecycle, pathogenesis lab diagnosis of Paragonimiasis
  MI 6.2 Identify the common etiologic agents of
 upper respiratory tract infections
 (Gram Stain)
161,162   URTI (beta hemolytic streptococci,
 diphtheria, influenza)
Throat swab Gram staining-1,2,3 (smears made from
S.pyogenes, C.diphtheriae Candidia ) and certification
1.Perform gram stain of the throat swab
2.Report on the gram stain and give the presumptive diagnosis
  MI 6.3 Identify the common etiologic agents of  lower respiratory tract infections  (Gram Stain & Acid fast stain)  
163,164   S.pneumoniae,Klebsiella ,H.influenzae  Practical
1.Identify the bacterial pathogen from the colony morphology and biochemical reactions
2.Interpret the antibiotic sensitivity report 
165,166   LRTI (Pneumococcal pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae ,Kleb pneumoniae agents of atypical pneumonia)
1.Identify the bacterial pathogen from the colony morphology and biochemical reactions
2.Interpret the antibiotic sensitivity report 
& STD infections
  MI 7.1

MI  7.3
Describe the etio-pathogenesis and discuss  the laboratory diagnosis of infections of genitourinary system

Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, the appropriate method for specimen collection, and discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Urinary tract infections
167   Normal commensals of genitourinary tract &  Urinary tract infections Lecture
1.List out the normal commensals of genito urinary tract
2.Enumerate the genito urinary tract infections
  MI 7.2 Describe the etio-pathogenesis and  discuss the laboratory diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections. Recommend preventive measures  
168   Agents of genital ulcers-1- Syphilis Lecture
1.Morphology and etiopathogenesis of Treponema pallidum
2.Lab diagnosis of Syphilis
169   Agents of genital ulcers-2- LGV, Granuloma inguinale, soft chancre, HSV
1.Etiopathogenesis, lab diagnosis of LGV, Granuloma inguinale, soft chancre, HSV
170   Sexually transmitted infections  INTEGRATED
1.Classification of Sexullay transmitted diseases
2.Etiopathegenesis and clinical features of STDs
3.Lab diagnosis of STDs
4.Epidemiology & prevention of STDs 
171   Sexually transmitted infections

1.Etiopathogenesis and lab diagnosis of genital discharge producing infections
  MI 7.3 Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical  features, the appropriate method for  specimen collection, and discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Urinary tract infections  
172   Agents of UTI: Uropathogenic E.coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterococcus (in detail), Staphylococcus saprophyticus,Streptococus agalactiae
1.Etiopathogenesis of UTI
2.Specimen collection & lab diagnosis of UTI
173,174   UTI (Uropathogenic E.coli, Klebsiella,Proteus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococus agalactiae ) Practical
1.Identify the bacteria causing UTI by given colony  morphology and biochemical test
2.Interpret the antibiotic sensitivity test
8   TOPIC Zoonotic disease
  MI 8.1 Enumerate the microbial agents and their  vectors causing Zoonotic diseases. Describe the morphology, mode of transmission, pathogenesis and discuss the clinical course,laboratory diagnosis and prevention  
175   Brucellosis, Leptospirosis  and Borreliosis SGD
1.Morphology, etiopathogeesis of Brucella, Leptospirosis  and Borreliosis
2.Etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of of Brucella, Leptospirosis  and Borreliosis
176   Zoonotic infections Lecture
1.Enumerate common zoonotic infections
2.Laboratory  procedure for different zoonotic infections 
177   Congenital infections (TORCH) SGD
1.Etiopathogenesis of TORCH infections
2.Lab diagnosis of TORCH infections 
  MI 8.2 Describe the etio-pathogenesis of  Opportunistic infections (OI) and discuss the factors contributing to the occurrence  of OI, and the laboratory diagnosis  
178   Opportunistic infections (immunocompromised patients)
including Transplant infections
1.Definition of Opportunistic infections
2.Enumerate the Opportunistic infections
179    Opportunistic infections (immunocompromised patients) including Transplant infections
1.Etiopathogenesis of Opportunistic infections
2.Lab diagnosis of opportunistic infection 
  MI 8.3 Describe the role of oncogenic viruses
in the evolution of virus associated malignancy
180    Organisms of oncogenic potential SGD
1.Classification of oncogenic vituses
2.Etiopathogenesis of oncogeneic viruses
3.A note on oncogenes 
  MI 8.4 Describe the etiologic agents of emerging
Infectious diseases. Discuss the clinical course and diagnosis
181   Emerging and Re-emerging Infections
Microbial agents of Bioterrorism
1.Factors cotributing to emerging infections
2.List of emerging & remerging infections in india
3.Microbial agents of bioterrorism & their role 
  MI 8.5

MI 8.6,
Define Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) 
and enumerate the types. Discuss the factors thatcontribute to the development of HAI and the methods for prevention

Describe the basics of Infection control

182   Hospital acquired infection (definition, risk factors, handhygiene and PPE) Lecture
1.Definition & indicators of HAI
2.Steps & five moments of handheigeine
3.Sequence of donning & doffing of PPE
183   Hospital  acquired infections (surveillance and prevention
including care bundle) – CAUTI, CRBSI, VAP, SSI
1.Surviellance of CAUTI, CRBSI, VAP, SSI
2.Prevention & care bundle of HAI
184   Biomedical waste
Needle stick injury
1.Biomedical waste management latest rules  & guidelines
2.Segrregation & disposal of biomedical waste
3.Surviellance & prevention of NSI
  MI 8.7 Demonstrate Infection control practices
 and use of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)
185,186   Hand Hygiene ,PPE,
Biomedical waste
1.To perform steps of hand hygeine
2.To segregate the given biomedical waste into apprapriate colour coded bins
3.To perform the sequence of donning/ doffing of PPE
187,188   Practical test:
Hand Hygiene ,PPE,
Biomedical waste
1.To perform steps of hand hygeine
2.To segregate the given biomedical waste into apprapriate colour coded bins
3.To perform the sequence of donning/ doffing of PPE
  MI 8.8 Describe the methods used and significance  of assessing the microbial contamination of food, water and air  
189    Environmental surveillance (bacteriology of water, air, milk
and surface)
1.Detection of coliform bacteria & E.Coli 
(a) Presumptive coliform count
(b) Eijkam test
2.Detection of fecal Streptococci
3.Difference between airborne transmission & droplet transmissoin
4.Etiopathogenesis & lab diagnosis of milk borne infections
  MI 8.9 Discuss the appropriate method of collection of samples in the performance of laboratory tests in the  detection of microbial agents causing infectious diseases  
190   Specimen collection and transport SGD
1.Differnet  types of clinical  samples
2.Methods of collection & transport of blood, urine, sputum, throat swab & other specimens 
  MI 8.10 Demonstrate the appropriate method of collection of samples in the performance of laboratory tests in the detection of microbial agents causing Infectious diseases  
191,192   Specimen collection and transport Practical
1.To perform collection of blood for blood culture & sensitivity
2.To perform nasopharyngeal swab/ throat swab colletion
3.To perform collection of urine from catheterised patient
  MI 8.11

MI 8.14
Demonstrate respect for patient samples sent
to the laboratory for performance of laboratory tests in the detection  of microbial agents causing Infectious diseases

Demonstrate confidentiality pertaining to patient identity in laboratory results(8.14)
193,194    Demonstrate respect for patient samples sent for lab

Demonstrate confidentiality pertaining to patient's identity
in lab result
1.To demonstrate confidentiality for the patients lab report 
  MI 8.12 Discuss confidentiality pertaining to patient
identity in laboratory results
195    Confidentiality pertaining to patient's identity in lab resul Lecture
1.Application of confidentiality  related to lab result 
  MI 8.13 Choose the appropriate laboratory test in
 the diagnosis of the infectious disease
196   Choose appropriate labaratory test in diagnosis of infectious disease (Rational use of microbiological investigations
1.Choice of lab test for different stages of typhoid fever
2.Choice of lab test for different stages  of COVID -19
  MI 8.16 Describe the National Health Programs in  the prevention of common infectious disease(for information purpose only as taught in CM)  
197   National health programs INTEGRATED
1.Objectives of national health programme
2.List of national health programes  in india