CBME Curriculum AMCH  
Pharmacology Phase I MBBS Lesson Plan  
Topic No. Lec.No. Comp. No. Titles: Topic, Competency with SLO & Lesson Teaching Methodology
1   Topic 1. Pharmacology  
  PH1.1 Define and describe the principles of pharmacology
and pharmacotherapeutics
    PH1.1/SLO :
At the end of this session, the student should be able to :
1. Define a drug
2. Explain the terms - Pharmacology , clinical pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics
3. Enlist and explain about various branches of Pharmacology
4. List out sources of drugs with examples
5. List out sources of drug information &Explain each source briefly
6. Recognize the importance of Clinical pharmacology towards rational approach to prescribing medicine

1   Introduction to pharmacology and departmental activities - I SGT
2   Introduction to pharmacology and departmental activities - II SGT
3   Orientation to pharmacology department Lecture
4   Introduction to pharmacology Lecture
  PH1.2 Describe the basis of Evidence based medicine
and Therapeutic drug monitoring
    PH1.2/SLO :
At the end of this session, the student should be able to :
1. Identify reliable sources for research evidence and the hierarchy for research evidence
2. Understand research study designs , strength of evidence for treatments and understand guidelines in different therapeutic areas
4. Explain the importance of being upto date with advances in medical knowledge with respect to prescribing for various condition
5. Understand the purpose of TDM
6. Enlist the drugs that require TDM and Explain the methods in therapeutic drug monitoring
5   Evidence based medicine AETCOM
6   Therapeutic drug monitoring AETCOM
  PH1.3 Enumerate and identify drug formulations and drug
delivery systems
    PH1.3/SLO :
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Define dosage form, formulation and excipient
2. List out different drug formulations with an example of each.
3. Choose appropriate formulation based on clinical need
4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different drug delivery systems
5. enlist the new drug delivery system and discuss their utility   
7   Routes/drug delivery system Lecture
8   Dosage forms/drug delivery system/route of drug administration -I SGT/Practical
9   Dosage forms/drug delivery system/route of drug administration -II SGT/Practical
  PH1.4 Describe absorption, distribution, metabolism & excretion
of drugs
    PH1.4/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to:
1. Explain the term Pharmacokinetics (PK) and  four phases of PK
2. Explain why the understanding of PK is relevant to prescribers

Drug Absorption :
1. Explain the principles involved in drug absorption
2. Explain the concept of bioavailability and describe the factors affecting bioavailability
3. Describe the importance of bioequivalence

Drug Distribution :
1. Explain the distribution of drugs across body compartments
2. Define apparent volume of distribution
3. Explain the clinical significance of drug distribution
4. Explain the clinical significance of plasma protein binding of drugs 
5. Describe redistribution of drugs with clinical application

1. Define biotransformation
2. Describe first pass metabolism and its importance
3. Describe phase 1 and phase 2 reactions
4. Explain factors affecting biotransformation
5. Explain the clinical significance of enzyme induction and inhibition 

Drug Excretion : 
1. Describe the various routes of excretion of drugs
2. Explain factors affecting renal excretion
3. Explain plasma half life and its clinical significance
4. Explain steady state concentration and its significance
5. Explain the different kinetics of elimination and their clinical significance
6. Apply the knowledge of clearance, loading dose and maintenance dose in calculating the dose for a patient
7. Explain various methods of prolonging drug action
8. Explain the PK factors that determine the choice of dose, route, and frequency of Drug administration
10   Absorption Lecture
11   Distribution Lecture
12   Metabolism Lecture
13   Excretion  Lecture
14   Pharmacokinetic charts - I SGT/Practical
15   Pharmacokinetic charts - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.5 Describe general principles of mechanism of drug action  
    PH1.5/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to:
Describe the concept of Pharmacodynamics
1. State different mechanisms by which a drug acts giving an example of each
2. Enlist different types of receptors giving examples of drugs acting through them
3. Describe receptor transducer mechanisms
4. Explain the terms –‘up regulation’ and ‘down regulation’ of receptors
5. Explain the terms –affinity, efficacy, intrinsic activity & potency
6. Define the terms –agonist, antagonist, partial agonist & inverse agonist. Give examples of drugs for each
7. Describe dose-response relationship and interpret dose- response curves
8. Explain drug synergism with examples
9. Describe the different types of drug antagonism with examples
10. Describe factors modifying drug action and its clinical implications
11. Explain therapeutic index and therapeutic range with clinical significance   
16   Pharmacodynamics - I Lecture
17   Pharmacodynamics - II Lecture
18   Pharmacodynamics Charts - I SGT/Practical
19   Pharmacodynamics Charts - II  SGT/Practical
  PH1.6 Describe principles of Pharmacovigilance & ADR reporting systems  
    PH1.6/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to 
1. Define the basic terminologies (ADR, Serious ADR, AE, Toxicity, Pharmacovigilance and Causality assessment)
2. Explain the history, need and principles of pharmacovigilance
3. Discuss  various methods/systems of ADR reporting 
4. Discuss Pharmacovigilance program of India
5. Report ADRs to a Pharmacovigilance Centre by filling the ADR reporting form
6. Discuss the importance of prescribers responsibility in Pharmacovigilance
20   Pharmacovigilance and adr reporting AETCOM
  PH1.7 Define, identify and describe the management of adverse drug
reactions (ADR) 
    PH1.7/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to
1. Define an ADR
2. Explain the frequency of ADRs and their impact on public health
3. Describe the classification of ADRs with examples and the management of ADRs.
4. Describe the important risk factors that predict susceptibility to ADRs.
5. Explain the importance of monitoring in prevention of ADRs.
21   Adverse drug effects Lecture
  PH1.8 Identify and describe the management of drug interactions  
    PH1.8/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Define Drug interactions and Describe the types of Drug interactions (DI)  as In vivo, In vitro & PK and PD with suitable examples
2. Describe the useful and harmful drug interactions with suitable examples
3. Describe Drug–drug; drug-food; Drug-alcohol; drug–tobacco; Drug-complementary/alternative medicine  interactions with examples
4. Explain how to predict and avoid harmful drug interactions in clinical practice
5. Management of DI.
6. Identify the sources of information about DI to inform prescribing
22   Drug interactions AETCOM
  PH1.9 Describe nomenclature of drugs i.e. generic, branded drugs  
    PH1.9/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to 
1. Describe the chemical name, non proprietary and Proprietary name of a drug
2. Discuss the importance of using non proprietary name in prescribing.
23   Drug Nomenculature AETCOM
  PH1.10 Describe parts of a correct, complete and legible generic
prescription.  Identify errors in prescription and correct
    PH1.10/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Define a prescription along with the importance of each part of prescription    
2. Describe the format of prescription as per MCI model.
3. Write an unambiguous, legible, complete and legally valid prescription
4. Identify and correct prescription writing errors
5. Describe the importance of maintaining records of prescriptions
24   Prescription writing and audit - I SGT/Practical
25   Prescription writing and audit - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.11 Describe various routes of drug administration,
eg., oral, SC, IV, IM, SL
    PH1.11/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to  
1. List the various routes of drug administration-oral, parenteral and topical with examples   
2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each route 
3. Choose the correct route of drug administration in a given clinical scenario 
26   Route of drug administration demo -I SGT/Practical
27   Route of drug administration demo -II SGT/Practical
  PH1.12 Calculate the dosage of drugs using appropriate formulae for an individual patient, including children,
elderly and patient with renal  dysfunction.
    PH1.12/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to.
1. Calculate appropriate doses for individual patient based on age, body weight and surface area.
2. Calculate the dose of drug using appropriate formulae in a given clinical case in children  
3. Calculate the dose of drug using appropriate formulae in a given clinical case in elderly
4. Calculate the dose of drug using appropriate formulae in a given clinical case in patients with renal dysfunction and other pathological conditions like CCF, Liver disease. 
28   dosage calculation - I SGT/Practical
29   dosage calculation - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.13 Describe mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of adrenergic and anti-adrenergic drugs
    PH1.13/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Describe the organization of autonomic nervous system
2. Describe the steps involved in neurotransmission
3. Describe the synthesis, storage, release and fate of adrenergic transmitters
4. Classify adrenergic receptors with respect to their structure, localization and second messenger system

1. Classify adrenergic agonists based on their therapeutic uses and actions.
2. Describe the pharmacological effects of adrenaline and correlate the effects of their therapeutic uses and adverse effects
3. State the salient Pharmaco-kinetic features of adrenaline
    1. Differentiate between adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, isoprenaline and dopamine with respect to pharmacological effects, adverse effects and therapeutic uses. (Enumerate the Adverse effects, therapeutic uses and contraindication of most commonly used Adrenergic Drugs in therapy.)
2. Compare and contrast directly and indirectly acting sympathomimetics with examples
3. State the therapeutic uses and ADRs of indirectly acting sympathomimetics
4. State the precautions and contraindications of sympathomimetics
    1. Classify sympatholytics based on site of action
2. Classify alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists and compare and contrast them with selective agents
3. Describe the pharmacological effects and applied pharmacokinetics, ADRs, precautions and therapeutic uses of prazosin
4. State the advantages of other selective alpha1 antagonists over prazosin, co-relating the same with their therapeutic use
    1. Classify beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists with examples
2. Describe the pharmacological effects, pharmacokinetics, ADRs, precautions and contra-indications of beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists
3. State the therapeutic uses of beta- blockers giving pharmacological basis for their use

1. State the advantages of selective beta1 antagonists over propranolol co-relating the same with their therapeutic uses and ADRs
2. Mention the beta blockers with intrinsic sympathomimetic action giving their indications
3. Mention the beta blocker of choice with Rationale  for the following clinical conditions-Glaucoma, CHF, angina, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, arrhythmias
4. List the various preparations of beta blockers with their routes of administration. (State the beta-blockers that can be given by IV route)
30   Introduction to autonomic nervous system Lecture
31   Adrenergic drugs- I Lecture
32   Adrenergic drugs-II Lecture
33   Alpha blockers Lecture
34   Beta blockers Lecture
35   Drugs for glaucoma Lecture
36   Ans:prescription writing/audit - I SGT/Practical
37   Ans:prescription writing/audit - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.14 Describe mechanism of action, types, doses,  side effects,
indications and contraindications of cholinergic and anticholinergic drugs 
At the end of the session, student should be able to 
1. Describe the synthesis, storage, release and fate of cholinergic transmitters
2. List the sites where acetylcholine is released
3. Classify cholinergic receptors with their structure, localization and second messenger system
4. Classify cholinomimetic drugs
5. Describe the pharmacological effects of directly acting cholinomimetic drugs
6. Compare the effects of muscarinic agonists on the basis of selectivity and therapeutic uses, adverse effects and contraindications
    7. Describe the metabolism of acetylcholine by cholinesterase enzyme
8. Classify anti-cholinesterase agents
9. Compare the various reversible anti-cholinesterases with respect to their pharmacological properties and therapeutic uses
10. Outline the management of myasthenia gravis
11. State the signs and symptoms of organophosphate compound poisoning and Outline the treatment of OP poisoning with rationale
12. Explain the term enzyme aging and its clinical significance
13. Explain how the treatment of organochlorine compound poisoning differs from that of organophosphate compound poisoning
14. Classify cholinergic receptor antagonists giving examples of muscarinic, nicotinic and ganglion blockers
15. List the drugs having anticholinergic side effects
16. Describe pharmacological actions of atropine and List the major clinical indications of atropine
17. Compare and contrast atropine and hyoscine
18. State the salient pharmacokinetic features of  atropine and its derivatives
19. List the adverse drug reactions and contraindications of anticholinergic drugs
20. State the advantages of atropine derivatives over atropine and state their clinical uses giving suitable examples
38   Cholinergic drugs Lecture
39   Anticholinergic drugs Lecture
40   Anticholinergic drugs Lecture
41   Management of alzehimers and myaesthenia gravis AETCOM
42   Ganglionic blockers SDL
43   Ans:problem solving exercise/toxicology(op/pct) - I SGT/Practical
44   Ans:problem solving exercise/toxicology(op/pct) - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.15 Describe mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of skeletal muscle relaxants 
    PH1.15/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define skeletal muscle relaxant and Classify .
2. Explain pharmacokinetcis, mechanisms of action, the important drug interactions, adverse effects and the therapeutic uses of skeletal muscle relaxants
3. compare and contrast  between competitive blockers and depolarizing blockers.
4. Discuss the advantages of newer neuromuscular blockers over the older ones.
5. Compare centrally and peripherally acting skeletal muscle relaxants
45   Skeletal muscle relaxants AETCOM
  PH1.16 Describe mechanism/s of action, types, doses,  side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs which act by
modulating autacoids, including: anti-histaminics, 5-HT modulating drugs, NSAIDs, drugs for gout, anti-rheumatic drugs, drugs for migraine
    PH1.16/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Understand the role of histamine and bradykinin in different physiological and pathophysiological processes.
2. Understand the mechanisms of action of drugs that act as antagonists of the H1 receptor.
3. Know the therapeutic utility of H1-receptor antagonists, alone and in combination with other agents.
4. Know the important adverse effects of H1-receptor antagonists, and the difference between first- and second-generation H1 antihistamines with regard to adverse effects.
5. Outline the treatment of Vertigo.
    At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Describe the synthesis, storage and destruction of 5-Hydoxytryptamine.
2. Name and describe the salient features of important 5-HT receptor sub types.
3. Describe the pharmacological actions and pathophysiological roles of 5-Hydroxytryptamine
4. Describe drugs affecting 5HT system.
5. Describe mechanism of action,therapeutic uses and side effects of 5HT modulating drugs.
6. Understand the pathophysiology of migraine.
7. Describe the mechanism of action, adverse effects, contraindications and important drug interactions of anti-migraine drugs
8. Describe the management of migraine and the drugs used for prophylaxis of migraine
    At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Classify Non-steroidal Anti inflammatory drugs based on selectivity of COX enzyme.
2. Explain mechanisms of action of NSAIDs.
3. Compare and contrast features of nonselective COX inhibitors and selective COX -2 inhibitors and enumerate the concerns with selective COX 2 inhibitors.
4. Describe pharmacokinetics and pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses of NSAIDs and enumerate doses of most commonly used NSAIDs.
5. List out the adverse effects, drug interactions and necessary precautions and contraindications to be followed with NSAIDs.
6. Outline themanagement of Salicylate poisoning and Paracetamol poisoning.
7. Describe guidelines for choice of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs.
8. Enumerate the analgesic combinations in common use and discuss about topical NSAIDS.
9. Discuss the rationality of analgesic combinations and topical NSAIDs.
    At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Explain pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis and understand the goals of drug therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Classify drugs used in rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Describe the mechanism of action and pharmacological actions, adverse effects of antirheumatic drugs and enumerate the doses of commonly used antirheumatic drugs.
4. Explain the pathophysiology of Gout.
5. Classify drugs used for Gout and Describe mechanism of action and pharmacological actions, adverse effects, precautions and contraindications, therapeutic uses of drugs used for Gout and enumerate the doses of commonly used drugs for Gout.
6. Explain the management of Gout.
46   Histamines and antihistaminics AETCOM
47   5-hydroxytryptamine, its antagonists and drug therapy of migraine Lecture
48   Prostaglandins, leukotrienes (eicosanoids) and platelet
activating factor
49   Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and antipyretic-analgesics - I Lecture
50   Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and antipyretic-analgesics - II Lecture
51   Antirheumatoid drugs AETCOM
52   Antigout drugs Lecture
53   Prescription writing - I SGT/Practical
54   Prescription writing - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.17 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of local anesthetics  
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define and classify local anaesthetics.
2. Distinguish between the comparative features of general and local anesthesia.
3. Compare features of amide linked local anaesthetics and ester linked local anaesthetics.
4. Describe mechanism of action, local and systemic actions, adverse effects ,precautions and drug interactions  of local anaesthetics.
5. Describe pharmacokinetics and enumerate the doses of commonly used local anaesthetics.
6. Describe the indications for local anaesthetics and various dosage forms of lignocaine.
7. Describe the techniques of administration of local anaesthetics and their relevance in clinical practice.
8. Explain the complications of spinal anaesthesia.
9. Explain rationale of combining local anaesthetics with adrenaline and clinical significance
55   Local anaesthetics Lecture
  PH1.18 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of general anaesthetics, and pre-anesthetic medications
    PH1.18/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define general anaesthesia and explain stages of General Anaesthesia.
2. Describe the  of general anaesthetics.
3. Enumerate the properties of ideal general anaesthetics
4. Classify general anaesthetics and Explain the pharmacokinetics, mechanisms of action,  pharmacological actions, adverse effect, complications and important drug interactions of general anaesthetics.
5. Define preanaesthetic medication with  the  aims of preanaesthetic medication and rationality of use of drugs as preanaesthetic medication.
6. What is balanced anaesthesia and components
7. Compare and contrast nitrous oxide and halothane
8. Enumerate intravenous anaesthetic agents 
56   General anaesthetics & pre-anesthetic medications - I integration
57   General anaesthetics & pre-anesthetic medications - II integration
  PH1.19 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs which act on CNS,
(including anxiolytics, sedatives &  hypnotics, anti-psychotic, anti-
depressant  drugs, anti-maniacs, opioid agonists and antagonists,
drugs used for neurodegenerative  disorders, anti-epileptics drugs)
    PH1.19/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define and classify Sedatives and Hypnotics.
2. Describe the different phases of Sleep.
3. Describe  pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action and pharmacological actions, adverse effects and precautions with long term use, important drug interactions and therapeutics uses of Sedative hypnotics.
4. Describe the management of different types of Insomnia.
5. Describe the management of Sedative and Hypnotic overdose.
6. Discuss the use of melatonin for disturbed biorhythms and sleep disorders.
7. Define Anxiety and Anxiolytics.
8. Classify Anxiolytics and Describe pharmacological actions of Anxiolytics.
9. Describe the management of Anxiety
10. Enumerate doses of commonly used sedative hypnotics & anxiolytics.
    At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define Psychosis and enumerate the different types of Psychiatric illness.
2. Explain the pathophysiology of Psychoses.
3. Classify Psychotropic drugs and Antipsychotic drugs.
4. Describe the pharmacokinetics,mechanism of action and pharmacological actions,  adverse effects,drug interactions and therapeutic uses of Antipsychotic drugs.
5. Explain the advantages of second generation Antipsychotics over conventional drugs.
    At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define Depression and Explain the pathophysiology of Depression.
2. Classify Antidepressant drugs and Describe the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacological actions, adverse effects and drug interactions, therapeutic uses of Antidepressants including those other than depression.
3. Outline the management of acute poisoning with tricyclic antidepressants.
4. Define Mania and Explain the pathophysiology of Mania.
5. Classify Antimaniac drugs.
6. Describe mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacological actions the adverse effects and drug interactions and therapeutic uses of Lithium.
7. Describe the newer drugs used for mania with their status in management of mania
8. Describe Psychotomimetic drugs.
    At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define Algesia (Pain). classify pain, Explain the pain pathway and WHO pain ladder.
2. Define and Classify Analgesics.
3. Classify Opioid Agonists and Antagonists.
4. Describe mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacological actions, adverse effects, precautions and contraindications of Opioid Analgesics.
5. Describe types of Opioid receptors.
6. Explain about complex action Opioids-Nalorphine, Pentazocin, Butorphanol, Nalbuphine, Buprenorphine.
7. Describe pure Opioid antagonists and their therapeutics uses.
8. Enumerate  endogenous Opioid peptides.
9. Discuss opioid deaddiction
10. Explain treatment of morphine poisoning
    At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Describe Epilepsy, different types of Epilepsy and its pathophysiology.
2. Classify Antiepileptic drugs and Describe mechanism of action and pharmacological actions, adverse effects and important drug interactions of Antiepileptic drugs.
3. Explain the management of different types of Epilepsy including Status Epilepticus.
4. Enumerate the doses of commonly used Antiepileptic drugs.
5. Mention the non-epileptic uses of anti-epileptic drugs
    At the end of this theory session the phase II MBBS student should be able to
1. Describe Parkinsonism and its pathophysiology.
2. Classify Antiparkinsonian drugs.
3. Describe mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacological actions of Antiparkinsonian drugs.
4. Describe the adverse effects  and  their management, important drug interactions of Levodopa.
5. Describe Alzheimer’s disease, its pathophysiology and drugs used in Alzheimer’s disease.
6. Classify Cognition enhancers.
58   Sedative-hypnotics Lecture
59   Antiepileptic drugs - I Lecture
60   Antiepileptic drugs - II Lecture
61   Antiparkinsonian drugs Lecture
62   Drugs used in mental illness: antipsychotic and antimanic drugs Lecture
63   Drugs used in mental illness: antidepressant and antianxiety drugs - I integration
64   Drugs used in mental illness: antidepressant and antianxiety drugs - II AETCOM
65   Opioid analgesics and antagonists - I Lecture
66   Opioid analgesics and antagonists - II AETCOM
67   Cns:prescription writing/audit - I SGT/Practical
68   Cns:prescription writing/audit - II SGT/Practical
69   Cns:problem solving exercise/toxicology - I SGT/Practical
70   Cns:problem solving exercise/toxicology - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.20 Describe the effects of acute and chronic ethanol intake  
    PH1.20/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Classify alcoholic beverages based on their alcohol content
2. Describe pharmacological effects of acute and chronic ethanol intake.
3. Describe the pharmacokinetics of ethanol.
4. Describe the important drug interactions with ethanol principles of alcohol de-addiction.
5. Describe drugs used in alcohol deaddiction
6. Explain the therapeutic uses of alcohol
71   Ethyl and methyl alcohols SDL
  PH1.21 Describe the symptoms and management of
methanol and ethanol poisonings
    PH1.21/SLO :
At the end of this theory session the phase II MBBS student should be able to
1. Describe the symptoms of methanol poisoning.
2. Explain the mechanism of methanol poisoning.
3. Describe the management of methanol poisoning.
4. Describe the symptoms of ethanol poisoning.
5. Explain the mechanism of ethanol poisoning.
6. Describe the management of ethanol poisoning.
72   Describe the symptoms and management of
 methanol and ethanol poisonings - I
73   Describe the symptoms and management of
methanol and ethanol poisonings - II
  PH1.22 Describe drugs of abuse (dependence, addiction, stimulants,
depressants, psychedelics, drugs used for criminal offences)
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define drug addiction and drug dependence.
2. List the pharmacological classes of drugs of abuse.
3. Classify the drugs of abuse based on the CNS effects  (stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens)with examples.
4. Give examples of hallucinogens .
5. Describe the source, pharmacological effects. withdrawal  symptoms and the management of cocaine addiction.
6. Describe the source, pharmacological effects. withdrawal  symptoms and the management of barbiturate  addiction.
7. Describe the source, signs and symptoms  and withdrawal symptoms of morphine  addiction and its management.
8. Describe the source, signs and symptoms of addiction to and withdrawal symptoms and management of cannabis addiction,.
9. Enumerate the drugs of abuse associated with criminal offences.
10. Enumerate club drugs, the signs and symptoms of their addiction, withdrawal symptoms and management of their addiction.
74   Describe drugs of abuse - I integration
75   Describe drugs of abuse - II Integration
76   CNS - stimulants, depressants, psychedelics, drugs used for criminal offences AETCOM
  PH1.23 Describe the process and mechanism of drug deaddiction   
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Outline the general principles and steps in the management  of drug deaddiction
2. Explain the mechanism of action of the drugs used in drug  deaddiction
77   Describe the process and mechanism of drug deaddiction AETCOM
  PH1.24 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs affecting renal
systems including diuretics, antidiuretics- vasopressin and
At the end of the session,the student must  be able to
1. Explain the transport of  electrolytes at proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle,distal convoluted tubule and the collecting  duct.
2. Classify diuretics based on their efficacy with examples
3. Indicate the site of action of all classes of diuretics .
4. Explain  the mechanism of action, pharmacological actions and adverse effects of Thiazide diuretics.
5. Explain  the mechanism of action, pharmacological actions and adverse effects of Loop diuretics.
6. Explain  the mechanism  of action and pharmacological actions and adverse effects of potassium sparing diuretics.
7. Explain  the mechanism of action and pharmacological actions and adverse effects of osmotic  diuretics
8. Describe the therapeutic uses of diuretics with their rationale.
9. Briefly describe the carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and their current uses.
    10. Enumerate doses ,routes of administration and preparations of hydrochlorthiazide,furosemide,amiloride, eplerenone, triamterene
11. Classify vasopressin receptors.
12. Describe the physiological actions of Vasopressin
13. Classify anti-diuretic drugs.
14. Enumerate the vasopressin analogues
15. Describe the adverse effects of Vasopressin.
16. Describe the therapeutic uses of Vasopressin and its analogues explaining the rationale behind their use
17. Mention vasopressin antagonist and its clinical uses
78   Diuretics Lecture
79   Antidiuretics Lecture
  PH1.25 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs acting on blood, like anticoagulants, antiplatelets, fibrinolytics, plasma expanders 
    PH1.25/SLO :
(Coagulants and anti-coagulants)
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Describe the coagulation cascade
2. Define the role of coagulants with examples
3. Enumerate the coagulants used clinically
4. Explain the mechanism of anti-coagulant action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of Vitamin K.
5. Classify anti-coagulants based on their mechanism of action with examples.
6. Describe the pharmacological actions , pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of Heparin
7. Explain the therapeutic uses and contraindications to Heparin.
8. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of low molecular weight heparin
9. Enumerate the preparations,routes and dose of Heparin. .
10. Describe the treatment of Heparin overdose

    11. Compare the anticoagulant actions of Heparin with fondapaurinux
12. Describe the mechanism of action,pharmacokinetics and actions of Warfarin.
13. Describe the adverse effects and therapeutic uses of Warfarin.
14. Explain the dose regulation and monitoring of patients while on anti-coagulants with reference to parameters such as INR and APTT.
15. Explain the Drug interactions of warfarin
16. Give examples of Direct  factor X a inhibitors and explain their advantages over Warfarin .
17. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dabigatran over warfarin as anti coagulant
18. Describe how anticoagulant therapy is monitored
    (Fibrinolytic drugs and antifibrinolytic drugs ).
At the end of the session,the students must be able to
1. Define fibrinolysis and its mechanisms
2. Enumerate fibrinolytics
3. Describe the actions, adverse effects and advantages of alteplase over streptokinase
4. Describe the therapeutic uses of fibrinolytics
5. Describe the contra-indications to fibrinolytics
6. Describe antifibrinolysis and its application
7. explain the mechanism of action, indications and therapeutic uses of Tranexamic acid
    At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define the functions of platelets in cardiovascular diseases
2. Classify anti-platelet drugs based on their mechanisms of action with examples
3. Compare aspirin, dipyridamole and clopidogrel as anti-platelet agents
4. Describe the therapeutic uses of anti-platelet agents with the rationale for their use in the conditions mentioned 
5. Describe the indications for the use of newer antiplatelet agents
6. Compare the newer anti-platelet drugs with aspirin
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define plasma expanders
2. Classify plasma expanders with examples
3. Describe the mechanism of actions of crystalloids and colloids
4. Explain the detailed composition of crystalloids
5. Compare crystalloids and  colloids
6. Describe the adverse effects and precautions while using plasma expanders
7. Describe the therapeutic uses of plasma expanders
80   Drugs affecting coagulation, bleeding and thrombosis - I Lecture
81   Drugs affecting coagulation, bleeding and thrombosis - II Lecture
82   Plasma expanders SDL
  PH1.26 Describe mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs modulating the  renin-angiotensin and aldosterone system 
    PH1.26/SLO :
At the end of the session,the student must be able to
1. Explain the physiology of renin angiotensin system
2. Describe the patho-physiological actions of Angiotensin-II with reference to the location of its receptors
3. Enumerate the drugs that modulate Renin angiotensin system
4. Enumerate the Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)
6. Describe the mechanism of action and pharmacological actions of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
7. Describe the adverse effects and therapeutic uses of ACE inhibitors explaining the rationale for their uses 
8. Indicate the route, dose and preparations of enalapril, Lisinopril
9. Enumerate Angiotensin receptor blockers(ARBs) used clinically
11. Describe the pharmacological actions,adverse effects, and therapeutic uses of ARBs
12. Describe the advantages of ARBs over ACEIs
13. Explain the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics therapeutic uses and adverse effects  of Aliskiren
83   Drugs affecting renin-angiotensin & aldosterone system- I Lecture
84   Drugs affecting renin-angiotensin & aldosterone system-II Lecture
  PH1.27 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of antihypertensive drugs and
drugs used in shock
    PH1.27/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define the categories of hypertension as per JNC 7 and JNC 8 criteria
2. Describe the pathophysiology of hypertension
3. Classify anti-hypertensives with examples
4. Describe the mechanism of antihypertensive action, anti-hypertensive effects,adverse effects and drug interactions dose,routes of administration and uses of Diuretics in hypertension
5. Describe the mechanism of antihypertensive action,anti-hypertensive effects,adverse effects ,drug interactions,dose,routes  of administration  and uses of ACE inhibitors  in hypertension

    6. Describe the mechanism of antihypertensive action,anti-hypertensive effects,adverse effects ,drug interactions,dose routes of administration and uses of calcium channel blockers in hypertension
7. Describe the mechanism of antihypertensive action,anti-hypertensive effects,adverse effects ,drug interactions,dose routes of administration and uses of beta blockers in hypertension
8. Enumerate the sympatholytics used  in the management of hypertension
9. Explain the mechanism of action,adverse effects and indications for the use of sympatholytics
10. Explain the management of hypertensive crisis
11. Describe the mechanism of antihypertensive  action, anti-hypertensive effects, adverse effects, drug interactions, and use of alpha `blockers in hypertension.
12. Describe the mechanism of antihypertensive action, anti-hypertensive effects, adverse effects ,drug interactions, dose routes and uses of  Vasodilators in hypertension 
13. Discuss which drugs  are used in combination
14. Describe which drugs are most effective in treating individual hypertensive patients with specific comorbidities, including diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, and renal disease.
    At the end of the session,the student must be able to
1. Define shock
2. Enumerate the types of shock
3. Explain the pathophysiology of shock
4. Describe the pharmacological management of anaphylactic
shock explaining the  rationale for the use of drugs used in the management
5. Describe the pharmacological management of hypovolemic
shock explaining the  rationale for the use of drugs used in the management
6. Describe the pharmacological management of cardiogenic  shock explaining the  rationale for the use of drugs used in the management
85   Antihypertensive drugs-I Lecture
86   Antihypertensive drugs-II AETCOM
87   Drugs used in shock Lecture
  PH1.28 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used in
ischemic heart disease (stable, unstable angina and myocardial
infarction), peripheral vascular disease
    PH1.28/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define angina  pectoris
2. Explain the various types of angina pectoris describing their underlying pathology
3. Classify anti-anginal drugs
4. Describe the mechanism of action, pharmacological actions ,adverse effects and therapeutic uses of nitrates
5. Describe  the routes of administration ,doses and preparations of Nitrates
6. Classify Calcium channel blockers.
7. Describe the mechanism of action, pharmacological actions, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of calcium channel blockers
8. Mention the routes of administration, doses and preparations of Nifedipine and amlodipine
9. Mention the unique features of Felodipine, Nitrendipine, Cilnidipine, Nicardipine and Nimodipine
10. Compare Dihydropyridines with Phenylalkylamines 
    11. Describe the anti-anginal actions,adverse effects and contra-indications to beta blockers
12. Describe the mechanism of action,anti-anginal actions,adverse effects ,and the indication for the use of potassium channel openers(nicorandil) in angina pectoris
13. Describe the anti-anginal actions and indications for the use of Trimetazidine,Ranolazine and Ivabradine in angina pectoris 
    At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction
2. Explain the steps in the use of drugs in myocardial infarction  with the rationale for using them 

At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Describe the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular disease(PVD)
2. Classify the drugs used in PVD
3. Describe the mechanism of action, pharmacological actions, adverse effects,dose and uses of Pentoxyphilline.
4. Describe the mechanism of action,pharmacological actions,adverse effects, dose and uses of Cilostazol  
88   Antianginal and other anti-ischaemic drugs-I Lecture
89   Antianginal and other anti-ischaemic drugs-II AETCOM
  PH1.29 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used in
congestive heart failure
    PH1.29/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to 
1. Describe the stages of heart failure and the treatments that are recommended at each stage.
2. Describe the rationale for the use of drugs that prevent and slow the progression of heart failure
3. Describe the mechanism of action of inotropic drugs and how they are used to maintain left ventricular function.
4. Identify the major side effects and adverse drug reactions of the drugs used to treat heart failure.
5. Describe the Management of Digitalis Toxicity
90   Cardiac glycosides and drugs for heart failure Lecture
  PH1.30 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the antiarrhythmics 
    PH1.30/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Describe the principles of cardiac electrophysiology especially the ion channels, exchangers, and pumps that are targets of antiarrhythmic drugs.
2. Describe the mechanisms that cause cardiac arrhythmias.
3. Describe the common and important tachyarrhythmias and their mechanisms.
4. Describe the mechanisms and classification of antiarrhythmic drugs.
5. Describe the principles of antiarrhythmic drug pharmacotherapy.
6. Describe the pharmacological, pharmacokinetic, and adverse effects of specific antiarrhythmic agents.
91   Antiarrhythmic drugs-I Lecture
92   Antiarrhythmic drugs-II Lecture
  PH1.31 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used in the
management of dyslipidemias
    PH1.31/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to  
1. Describe lipid metabolism, different classes of lipoproteins and their formation
2. Describe the pathophysiology ofprimary and secondary hyperlipidaemias
3. Mention the classification of hypolipidemic drugs based on mechanism of action
4. Describe the mechanism of action, pleiotropic effects, indications adverse effects, drug interactions of statins
5. Compare the features of all statins
6. Describe the mechanism of action, indications adverse effects, drug interactions of Resins, ezetimibe, niacin, fibric acid derivatives
7. Describe the  combination therapy in dyslipidemia
8. Discuss which patients with dyslipidemias should be treated and when treatment should be initiated.
9. Discuss which drugs are most effective in treating patients with different dyslipidemias.
10. Describe the non-pharmacological treatment including natural agents
93   Hypolipidaemic drugs Lecture
94   Cvs:prescription writing/audit - I SGT/Practical
95   Cvs:prescription writing/audit - II SGT/Practical
96   Problem solving exercise : CVS,blood / toxicology : CVS,blood - I SGT/Practical
97   Problem solving exercise : CVS,blood / toxicology : CVS,blood - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.32 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of drugs used in bronchial asthma and COPD
    PH1.32/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to  
1. Describe the patho-physiology of Bronchial Asthma and COPD
2. Classification of anti-asthmatic drugs
3. Discuss the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, Adverse effects, status, merits and demerits of beta2 agonists, methyl xanthines, corticosteroids, anti-cholinergics, mast cell stabilizers, leukotriene antagonists, anti IgE antibodies in asthma.
4. Discuss inhaled medication in bronchial asthma
5. Describe the step wise management of Bronchial asthma (GINA guidelines)
6. Describe the management of acute severe asthma with the help of a case scenario
7. Enumerate the various inhalational devices available in India,
8. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of MDI, rotahaler, use of spacer, nebulizer

98   Drugs for bronchial asthma & COPD-I Lecture
99   Drugs for bronchial asthma & COPD - II Lecture
100   Prescription/audit - I SGT/Practical
101   Prescription/audit - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.33 Describe the mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used in cough
(antitussives, expectorants/ mucolytics
    PH1.33/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Explain the cough pathway.
2. Enumeratevarious causes of cough
3. State the various causes of cough
4. Classify the drugs used in cough
5. Explain the mechanism of action, indications and adverse effects of pharyngeal demulcents, expectorants, mucolytics and anti-tussives with examples
6. List the drugs that induce cough and bronchospasm
7. Comment on the preparations available in Indian market for cough
102   Drugs for cough Lecture
  PH1.34 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used as below:
1. Acid-peptic disease and GERD
2. Antiemetics and prokinetics
3. Antidiarrhoeals
4 .Laxatives
5. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
6. Irritable Bowel Disorders, biliary and pancreatic diseases 
    PH1.34/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Explain the physiology of vomiting and role of various neurotransmitters
2. Classification of anti-emetics based on mechanism of action
3. Describe the mechanism of action, pharmacological effects, adverse effects and indications of antidopaminergics, antihistaminics, anticholinergics, 5HT3 antagonists, NK1 antagonists, cannabinoid receptor antagonists, steroids which are used as antiemetics
4. Enumerate the drug of choice for various clinical scenarios, such as post-operative vomiting, cancer chemotherapy induced vomiting etc
5. Enumerate drugs used in vomiting during pregnancy

    6. Enumerate the drugs that cause emesis.
7. Compare and contrast Metoclopramide and Domperidone
8. Pathophysiology of gastric acid secretion
9. Identify the sites in the gastric parietal cell where drugs act to suppress acid secretion.
10. Describe the mechanism of action of proton pump inhibitors, H2 receptor antagonists, and prostaglandin analogs to suppress gastric acid secretion.
11. Describe the limitations to the use of H2 receptor antagonists in chronic acid suppression.
12. Identify potential drug interactions with proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor antagonists.
13. Describe the mechanism of action of drugs that enhance gastric cytoprotection.
14. Describe the recommendations for therapy of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
 15. Explain the pathophysiology of constipation
    16. Classify laxatives/purgatives
17. Explain the mechanism of action, indications, contra-indications and adverse effects of bulk laxatives, stool softener, stimulant purgative, osmotic purgative and 5HT4 agonists
18. Mention the laxative of choice in bedridden patients, pregnancy, post-operative, functional constipation,

19. Classify antidiarrheal agents. 
20. Enumerate the principles of management of Diarrhea with rationale for its composition
21. Discuss the advantages of New formula WHO-ORS versus the older composition.
22. Explain the role of Zinc in pediatric diarrhoea
23. Explain the mechanism of action, indications, contra-indications and adverse effects  of opioids, anticholinergics, PG inhibitors, chloride channel inhibitor, racecadrotril and probiotics

24. Explain the pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of Irritable bowel syndrome
25. Explain the pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of Inflammatory bowel disorder, Acute pancreatitis
26. Explain the pancreatic enzyme replacements and drugs that inhibit formation of gall stones
103   Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease - I Lecture
104   Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease - II SGT
105   Antiemetic, prokinetic and digestant drugs Lecture
106   Drugs for constipation and diarrhoea - I Lecture
107   Drugs for constipation and diarrhoea - II Lecture
108   Git:prescription/audit - I SGT/Practical
109   Git:prescription/audit - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.35 Describe the mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of drugs used in hematological
disorders like:                                                                                     
1.Drugs used in anemias
2.Colony Stimulating factors 
    PH1.35/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to

1. Define anaemias and describe the types and causes of anaemia
2. State the role of iron, its sources, requirements, iron absorption, factors that reduce and enhance iron absorption
3. List the oral and parenteral iron preparations with merits and demerits and specific indications
4. Define megaloblastic anaemia
5. State the role of vitamin B12, Folic acid, along with sources and daily requirements
6. State the vitamin B12 preparations
7. State the indications for use of erythropoietin
8. Describe the various types of colony stimulating factors with their approved indications (Cancer chemotherapy)
110   Haematinics and erythropoietin SDL
111   Colony Stimulating factors Lecture
  PH1.36 Describe the mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of drugs used in endocrine
disorders (diabetes mellitus,  thyroid disorders and osteoporosis) 
    PH1.36/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to

1. Describe the mechanisms of action of insulin and the oral antidiabetic drugs.
2. Describe the components for management of the diabetic patient including the goals of therapy.
3. Describe the pharmacotherapeutic options for the treatment of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
4. Describe the adverse effects of insulin and the oral antidiabetic drugs.
5. Describe the treatment of hypoglycemia.
6. Discuss the management of diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar (nonketotic) coma
7. Discuss the principles of thyroid hormone regulation.
8. Describe the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, including during pregnancy.
9. Describe the treatment options for well-differentiated thyroid cancer.

    10. Describe calcium and phosphorous homeostasis.
11.Describe the roles of PTH, calcitonin, and vitamin D in calcium homeostasis.
12.Understand the concept of bone resorption and bone formation.
13.Describe the mechanism of action and untoward effects of bisphosphonates.
14.Describe the role of bisphosphonates in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
15.Describe the pharmacological management of hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia.
112   Thyroid hormone and thyroid inhibitors Lecture
113   Insulin, oral hypoglycaemic drugs and glucagon-I Lecture
114   Insulin, oral hypoglycaemic drugs and glucagon-II SGT
115   Drugs affecting calcium balance Lecture
  PH1.37 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used as sex
hormones, their analogues and anterior Pituitary hormones
    PH1.37/SLO :
1. Describe the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.
1. Describe the pharmacotherapy of GH excess and GH deficiency.
2. Develop knowledge of the clinical uses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and its analogs.
3. Describe physiological secretion and regulation of androgens (natural and synthetic)
4. Describe mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of different preparations of testosterone
5. Explain mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of anabolic steroids and anti-androgens
6. Describe drug therapy of erectile dysfunction
7. Describe physiological secretion and regulation of estrogen and progesterone
8. Describe the therapeutic uses and ADRs of postmenopausal hormonal replacement therapy
9. Describe mechanism of action,, uses and adverse effects of selective estrogen receptor modulators, antiestrogens and aromatase inhibitors
10. Describe mechanism of action,, uses, adverse effects and contraindications of anti progestins
11. Explain various drugs used In treatment of infertility
116   Anterior pituitary hormones SDL
117   Estrogens, progestins  Lecture
  PH1.38 Describe the mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of corticosteroids
    PH1.38/SLO :
1. Explain physiology of biosynthesis, actions, hypo and hyper secretion of corticosteroids
2. Classify corticosteroid preparations
3. Describe distinctive features, uses,  adverse effects and contraindications of various corticosteroid preparations
4. Understand the effect of abrupt cessation of glucocorticoid therapy.
118   corticosteroids-I Lecture
119   corticosteroids-II SGT
  PH1.39 Describe mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications the drugs used for contraception 
    PH1.39/SLO :
1. Classify female contraceptives preparations
2. Explain all types with mechanism of action,uses adverse effects, contraindications,  and practical considerations of female contraceptives.
120   contraceptives - I Lecture
121   contraceptives - II AETCOM
  PH1.40 Describe mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of  1. Drugs used in the treatment of infertility, and 2. Drugs used in erectile dysfunction
    PH1.40/SLO :
At the end of this theory session the student should be able to
1. Describe the causes of infertility
2. Enumerate drugs used in the treatment of infertility
3. Describe the mechanism of action of drugs used in the treatment of infertility
4. Describe the therapeutic uses of drugs used in the treatment of infertility
5. Describe the precautions and contraindications of  drugs used in the treatment of infertility
6. Describe the adverse effects of drugs used in the treatment of infertility
7. Describe the drug interactions of drugs used in the treatment of infertility
8. Describe the causes of erectile dysfunction
9. Enumerate drugs used in erectile dysfunction
10. Describe the mechanism of action of drugs used in erectile dysfunction
11. Describe the therapeutic uses of drugs used in erectile dysfunction
122   androgens and drugs for erectile dysfunction AETCOM
  PH1.41 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses,  side effects,
indications and contraindications of uterine relaxants and
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. classify uterine stimulants
2. Explain, MOA , Uses , ADR and contraindication of each group
3. classify uterine relaxants
4. Explain, MOA , Uses , ADR and contraindication of each group
123   Oxytocin and other drugs acting on uterus Lecture
124   Hormones:prescription writing/audit - I SGT/Practical
125   Hormones:prescription writing/audit - II SGT/Practical
126   Hormones:problem solving exercise - I SGT/Practical
127   Hormones:problem solving exercise - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.42 Describe general principles of chemotherapy  
    PH1.42/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Classify the chemotherapeutic agents based on chemical structure, mechanism of action, source
2. Describe  common problems encountered with use of chemotherapeutic agents
3. Describe anti-microbial resistance  and discuss monitoring of antimicrobial therapy
4. Enumerate the factors to be considered for choosing an antimicrobial agent
5. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of antimicrobial combination with examples

128   Antimicrobial drugs: general considerations-I Lecture
129   Antimicrobial drugs: general considerations-II Lecture
  PH1.43 Describe and discuss the rational use of antimicrobials including
antibiotic stewardship program
    PH1.43/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Enumerate the factors influencing the antimicrobial selection, duration and dose
2. Define empiric antimicrobial prescribing
3.  Describe the mechanisms antimicrobial resistance
4. Understand the impact of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, bioavailability on development of antimicrobial resistance with examples
5. Understand the principles of antimicrobial selection for a specific infectious condition
6. Enumerate basic steps of prevention of antimicrobial resistance

    Sulfonamides & Quinolones
1. Explain the mechanism of action of sulfonamide drugs.
2. Explain the various sulfonamide drugs and categorize them according to their absorption from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
3. Explain the therapeutic uses and untoward effects of sulfonamide drugs including trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
4. Describe the therapeutic uses, mechanisms of action, and toxicities of quinolone antibiotic drugs.
Beta lactams
1. Explain the mechanisms of action of the penicillins, cephalosporins, and other β-lactam antibiotics.
2. Explain the mechanisms of resistance of the penicillins, cephalosporins, and other β-lactam antibiotics.
3. Describe the therapeutic effects of the penicillins, cephalosporins, and other β-lactam antibiotics.
4. Describe the untoward effects and contraindications of the penicillins, cephalosporins, and other β-lactam antibiotics.
1. Explain aminoglycoside mechanisms of action and resistance.
2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of multiple daily dosing versus once daily extended-interval dosing regimens for aminoglycosides.
3. Describe the rationale and the methods of
4. plasma concentration monitoring of aminoglycoside therapy.
5. Describe the causes and clinical signs of aminoglycoside ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity and the best means of monitoring therapy to avoid these serious toxicities.
6. Explain the unique clinical differences among the aminoglycosides.
    Protein Synthesis Inhibitors and Miscellaneous Antibacterial Agents
1. Describe the mechanisms of action and resistance of tetracyclines, macrolides, vancomycin, linezolid, daptomycin, and quinupristin/dalfopristin
2. Describe the unique toxicities of antibiotics that are inhibitors of bacterial protein synthesis
3. Describe the uses and untoward reactions of vancomycin
4. Explain the drug–drug interactions that occur with some of these antibiotics
5. Explain how linezolid, daptomycin, and quinupristin/dalfopristin are used to treat methicillin-resistant and vancomycin-resistant organisms
130   Sulfonamides and cotrimoxazole SGT/Practical
131   Fluroquinolones Lecture
132   Penicillins-I Lecture
133   Penicillins-II Lecture
134   Cephalosporins Lecture
135   Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol Lecture
136   Aminoglycoside antibiotics Lecture
137   Macrolides Lecture
138   Antifungal drugs Lecture
139   Rational use of antimicrobials including antibiotic policy drafting - I
140   Rational use of antimicrobials including antibiotic policy drafting - II
  PH1.44 Describe the first line antitubercular dugs, their mechanisms of
action, side effects and doses.
    PH1.44/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Discuss pathophysiology of tuberculosis.
2. Classify  anti- tubercular drugs.
3. Describe the mechanism of action and resistance to anti tubercular drugs.
4. Describe the adverse effects and drug interactions commonly associated with anti-TB drugs.
5. Understand the rationale for combination drug therapy in the treatment of tuberculosis
6. Describe and discuss the salient features, diagnostic criteria and guidelines for treatment of tuberculosis under NTEP
141   Antitubercular drugs-I Lecture
  PH1.45 Describe the dugs used in MDR and XDR Tuberculosis  
    PH1.45/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define MDR and XDR TB
2. List drugs, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications and adverse effects of drugs used in MDR and XDR Tuberculosis.
3. Explain the regimen for MDR and XDR tuberculosis
142   Antitubercular drugs-II SGT
  PH1.46 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of antileprotic drugs
    PH1.46/SLO :
At the end of this theory session MBBS student should be able to
1. Describe the principles of anti leprosy therapy.
2. Describe the mechanism of action, ADE, DI of antileprotic drugs
3. Discuss the management of leprosy and treatment of Lepra reactions
143   Antileprotic drugs SGT
  PH1.47 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used in malaria,
KALA-AZAR, amebiasis  and intestinal helminthiasis  
    PH1.47/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to:
1. Describe the stages of the malaria cycle.
2. Classify antimalarial drugs into those that are effective against only the blood stages of the parasite, those that are effective against both the blood and liver stages, and those that are effective against only the liver stages of the parasite.
3. Explain the use of antimalarial drugs in clinical context, particularly with regard to their mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, and toxicities.
4. Describe the principles and guidelines for the chemoprophylaxis and treatment of malaria.

At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define KALA-AZAR
2.  Discuss pathophysiology of KALA-AZAR
3.  Enumerate drugs used in KALA-AZAR
4. Describe the mechanism of action, uses, prcautions & contraindication, ADR, drug interaction and management  of  KALA-AZAR

    Anti-amoebic drugs
At the end of this theory session MBBS student should be able to:
1. Define amoebiasis
2.  Discuss pathophysiology of amoebiasis
3. Enumerate drugs used for amoebiasis
4. Describe the mechanism of action, uses, prcautions & contraindication, ADR, drug interaction and management  of amoebiasis
Anti-helminthic drugs
At the end of this theory session student should be able to:
1. Describe the common helminth infections, the clinical symptoms, and the mainstays of therapy.
2. Describe the therapeutic uses of antihelmintic drugs.
3. Explain the mechanisms of actions of antihelmintic drugs.
4. Describe the toxicities and contraindications of antihelmintic drugs.
144   Antimalarial drugs SGT
145   Antiamoebic and other antiprotozoal drugs Lecture
146   Anthelmintic drugs Lecture
  PH1.48 Describe the mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of the drugs used in UTI/ STD
and viral diseases including HIV
Drugs for Urinary tract Infection
At the end of this theory session student should be able to:
1. Define UTI
2.  Discuss pathophysiology of UTI
3. Enumerate drugs used for UTI
4. Describe the mechanism of action, uses, prcautions & contraindication, ADR, drug interaction and management of UTI

    Drugs for STD
At the end of this theory session student should be able to:
1. Define STD
2. Enumerate common STDs
3. Enumerate drugs used in STDs.
4. Describe the mechanism of action, uses, prcautions & contraindication, ADR, drug interaction and management of STD

Antifungal drugs
1. Describe the mechanisms of action and resistance of antifungal agents.
2. Describe the therapeutic uses of antifungal agents in the context of treatment for fungal diseases.
3. Develop knowledge of the common and unique toxicities of antifungal agents.
4. Explain the drug–drug interactions that can occur with the use of azole antifungal agents.
    Anti-viral drugs
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Explain the treatment of herpes virus infections and the use of antiherpes drugs.
2. Discuss the treatment strategies for chronic hepatitis B and C infections.
3. Explain the mechanisms of action and resistance, and the therapeutic use of the anti-influenza agents.
4. Discuss the principles of HIV chemotherapy as per National guidelines including HAART regimen
5. Describe the mechanisms of action and resistance,   the   untoward effects, and the therapeutic uses of the drugs used to treat HIV infections
147   Antiviral drugs Lecture
148   Anti-retrovirus Lecture
149   Treatment of UTI Integration
150   Treatment of STD Integration
151   Prescription writing AMA - I SGT/Practical
152   Prescription writing AMA - II SGT/Practical
153   Prescription Audit AMA - I SGT/Practical
154   Prescription Audit AMA - II SGT/Practical
155   Problem solving exercise - I SGT/Practical
156   Problem solving exercise - II SGT/Practical
157   Toxicology - I SGT/Practical
158   Toxicology - II SGT/Practical
  PH1.49 Describe mechanism of action, classes, side effects, indications
and contraindications of anticancer drugs
    PH1.49/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Discuss the general principles in chemotherapy of Cancer
2. Classify  anticancer drugs
3. Describe the mechanism of action of Anticancer drugs
4. Describe the mechanisms of toxicity of cytotoxic antineoplastic agents on normal cells and toxicity amelioration.
5. Enumerate the classes of agents are typically used in treating specific cancers. 
159   Anticancer drugs - I Lecture
160   Anticancer drugs - II AETCOM
  PH1.50 Describe mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects,
indications and contraindications of immunomodulators and
management of organ transplant rejection
    PH1.50/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Differentiate between Immuno-suppressants and immuno-stimulants.
2. Define immunosuppressants & Classify immuno-suppressants
3. Describe the mechanisms of action of Calcineurin inhibitors,.
4. Enlist m-Tor inhibitors and antiproliferative agents used as immunosuppressants
5. Enlist Biological agents used as immunosuppressants
6. Enumerate the adverse effects of immunosuppressants
7. Enlist clinical uses of  immunosuppressants
161   Immunosuppressant drugs - I Lecture
162   Immunosuppressant drugs - II SGT
  PH1.51 Describe occupational and environmental pesticides, food
adulterants, pollutants and insect repellents
    PH1.51/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define the various toxicology terms
2. Define  occupational pesticides and enlist them
3. Explain environmental pesticide and its management
4. Enlist  food adulterants
5. Enlist  insect repellents
163   Management of occupational and environmental pesticides . Food adulterants,pollutants,insect repellent poisoning. AETCOM
  PH1.52 Describe management of common poisoning, insecticides,
common sting and bites      
    PH1.52/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Explain the general management of common poisoning
2. Enlist the specific antidotes used in treatment of  common poisons
3. Explain the method of enhancing elimination of toxin using examples
4. Explain the management of Bee sting bite, Scorpion bite and Snake bite.
164   Management of common poisoning, insecticides,
common sting and bites
  PH1.53 Describe heavy metal poisoning and chelating agents  
    PH1.53/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define Chelating agents and enlist Chelating agents used in Heavy metal poisoning
2. Describe the mechanism of action of Chelating agents
3. Name the Chelating agents used in the management of Iron, Lead, Copper, and Arsenic intoxication
4. Enlist the clinical uses of penicillamine.
165   Chelating agents AETCOM
  PH1.54 Describe vaccines and their uses   
    PH1.54/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Define Vaccines and classify  vaccines
2. Enlist the bacterial vaccines
3. Enlist the viral vaccines
4. Enlist Toxoids and Mixed Toxoids
5. Enlist antisera and immunoglobulins
6. Discuss the routine immunization schedule for infants and children as per IAP guidelines
166   Vaccines and sera SDL
  PH1.55 Describe and discuss the following National Health Programmes
including Immunisation, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria, HIV,
Filaria, Kala Azar, Diarrhoeal diseases, Anaemia & nutritional
disorders, Blindness, Non-communicable diseases, cancer and
Iodine deficiency
    PH1.55/SLO :
At the end of the session the student must be able to
1. Explain the universal immunization programme in India
2. Explain Revised National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme
3. Explain National Leprosy Eradication Programme
4. Enlist National Vector Borne Disease Control Programmes
5. Explain  National AIDS Control Programme
6. Describe National programme for prevention and control of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and stroke
7. Describe National Programme For Control Of Blindness & Visual Impairment
8. Describe National Programme For Prevention And Control Of cancer
9. Discuss about the Diarrhoeal Disease Control Programme
9. Describe iodine deficiency disorders control programme
167   National Health Programmes - Immunisation  Integration
168   National Health Programmes  - Communicable Integration
169   National Health Programmes  - Non - Communicable Integration
  PH1.56 Describe basic aspects of Geriatric and Pediatric pharmacology  
    PH1.56/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Describe physiological changes in Children and Elderly patients that influence the pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic parameters of medications.
2. Discuss the common drugs to which children/elderly are likely to respond differently
3. Explain the principles that underlie the prescribing in children/elderly
170   Geriatric pharmacology - I Integration
171   Geriatric pharmacology - II Integration
172   Paediatric pharmacology - I Integration
173   Paediatric pharmacology - II Integration
  PH1.57 Describe drugs used in skin disorders  
    PH1.57/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Discuss how drugs are absorbed through the skin.
2. Define demulcents, emollients, adsorbants & protectants, astringents, irritants and counter irritants and keratolytics, Melanizing agents with examples, their uses and adverse reactions.
3. Describe the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, and toxicities of topical and systemic drugs used to treat common dermatological disorders like seborrheic dermatitis, Vitiligo, Psoriasis and Acne vulgaris.
4. Discuss the science behind use of sunscreen agents.
5. List the topical glucocorticoids, explain the rationale for use of glucocorticoids in skin disorders and their adverse effects.
174   Drugs acting on skin and mucous membranes Integration
  PH1.58 Describe drugs used in Ocular disorders  
    PH1.58/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Understand the principles of using drugs to treat ophthalmic disorders.
2. Describe the ocular toxicities of systemic drugs.
3. Explain the mechanisms of action, clinical uses, and toxicities of ophthalmic drugs.
4. Describe how ophthalmic drugs administered topically can cause systemic side effects.
5. Understand the pathophysiology of glaucoma and the role of pharmacotherapy in its management.
175   Occular pharmacology Integration
  PH1.59 Describe and discuss the following: Essential medicines, Fixed
dose combinations, Over the counter drugs, Herbal medicines
    PH1.59/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define Essential medicines concept.
2. Discuss the criteria to prepare list of essential medicines for your community PHC.
3. Define fixed dose combination, advantages and disadvantages of FDC.
4. Describe the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics parameters to be considered to combine two drugs in a FDC.
5. Discuss Rational and irrational prescribing drugs with examples.
6. Define over the counter medicines and prescription medicines.
7. Enumerate the similarities and differences between OTC medicines and prescription medicines.
8. Summarize how to responsibly use OTC medicines and prevent misuse.
9. List 10 Herbal medicines used in allopathic practice.
10. Enumerate advantages and disadvantages of Herbal medicines
176   Over the counter drugs and fixed dose combinations AETCOM
177   Herbal medicines SDL
178   Essential drugs concept AETCOM
  PH1.60 Describe and discuss Pharmacogenomics and
    PH1.60/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Define Pharmacogenomics and Pharrmacogenetics and Pharmacoeconomics with examples
2. Describe different types of pharmacoeconomic models with examples
3. Discuss the role of Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoeconomics in modern therapeutics.
179   Pharmacogenomics and pharmacoeconomics Lecture
  PH1.61 Describe and discuss dietary supplements and nutraceuticals   
    PH1.61/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Describe the role of common vitamins and minerals in normal physiology and diseases.
2. Identify the potential toxic effects of vitamins and minerals.
3. List the fat soluble and water soluble vitamins, and identify examples of how solubility affects the absorption, transport, storage and excretion of each type.
4. Describe how B vitamins assist with energy metabolism
5. Justify the statement “It is better to get vitamins from food than from supplements”
6. Enumerate anti-oxident vitamins, list the food source and their functions
7. Analyze from the below list, valid reasons that some individuals require vitamin supplements a) women in childbearing age b) Pregnant and lactating  women c) vitamins of AIDS or other wasting illness d) addicted to drugs or alcohol e) strict vegetarians f) recovering from surgery, burns and injury.   
180   Dietary supplements and nutraceuticals AETCOM
  PH1.62 Describe and discuss antiseptics and disinfectants  
    PH1.62/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Describe antiseptics and their use in wound care with examples
2. Describe disinfectants and their use in infection control with examples
3. Summarize the adverse effects of antiseptics and disinfectants
4. Describe Ectoparasiticides with examples, use and adverse effects
5. Discuss hand hygiene using soap as per WHO guidelines
6. Information on hand sanitizers
181   Antiseptics and disinfectants SDL
  PH1.63 Describe Drug Regulations, acts and other legal aspects  
    PH1.63/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Explain why drugs needs to be regulated
2. Identify the major regulatory authorities in India
3. Describe the approval process for New Drugs in simple terms.
4. Discuss the major legislation pertaining to drugs
182   Drug regulations and legal aspects AETCOM
  PH1.64 Describe overview of drug development, Phases of clinical trials
and Good Clinical Practice
    PH1.64/SLO :
At the end of this theory session student should be able to
1. Enlist the stages in new drug development
2. Explain the approaches to drug discovery /invention
3. Discuss about the preclinical studies
4. Describe the phases of clinical trials
5. Describe the Principles Good Clinical Practice
6. Should describe  the role of ethics committ
7. describe the needs for informed consent documentation
183     AETCOM
2   Topic Clinical pharmacy  
  PH2.1 Demonstrate understanding of the use of various dosage forms
(oral/local/parenteral; solid/liquid)
    PH2.1/SLO :
The student should be able to
1  . Identify various dosage forms – solid, liquid, topical dosage forms
2 .  Describe the various types of solid dosage form in the given  samples with merits and demerits of each
3 .  Describe the various types of liquid dosage form in the given  samples with merits and demerits of each
4 . Describe the various types of topical dosage form in the given  samples with merits and demerits of each
5. Describe all the components of commercial label of the given dosage form and its importance
184   Dosage forms/drug delivery system/route of drug administration DOAP
  PH2.2 Prepare oral rehydration solution from ORS packet and explain its
    PH2.2/SLO :
The student should be able to
1. Define and enumerate causes of dehydration
2. Describe the clinical assessment of dehydration
3. Enumerate the different types of ORS along with their composition with  actions of each ingredient
4. Choose the appropriate type of ORS for a given condition/patient
5. Calculate the quantity of ORS required to correct / prevent dehydration
6. Demonstrate preparation of ORS from sachet
7. Enumerate non-diarrheal uses of ORS
185   Preparation of ORS and its use
  PH2.3 Demonstrate the appropriate setting up of an intravenous drip in a simulated environment  
    PH2.3/SLO :
In a simulated environment, the student should be able to
1. Open the infusion set following aseptic technique
2. Appropriately position the patient and select a vein.
3. Prepare the overlying skin with aseptic care.
4. Demonstrate correct IV injection technique
5. Adjust the flow rate according to the requirement
6. Routinely check patient’s ID, drug name, date of expiry etc before injecting.
7. Monitor a patient on an IV drip and identify any reactions to it.
186   IV drip demostration DOAP
  PH2.4 Demonstrate  the correct method of calculation of drug dosage in 
patients including those used in special situations
    PH2.4/SLO :
At the end of this  practical  session II MBBS student should be able to
1. Calculate appropriate doses for individual    patients based on age, body weight, and surface area
2. Demonstrate the correct method of calculation of drug  dosage in paediatric patients
3. Demonstrate the iv drip rate calculation & infusion time
4. Demonstrate the correct method of calculation of drug dosage in patient suffering from renal disease
5. Demonstrate the correct method of calculation of drug  dosage in patient suffering from hepatic disease

187   Dosage calculation - I DOAP
188   Dosage calculation - II DOAP
3   Topic Clinical Pharmacology   
  PH3.1 Write a rational, correct and legible generic prescription for a given condition and communicate the same to the patient   
    PH3.1/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Establish therapeutic goal/s, based on a diagnosis following standard treatment guidelines (STG)
2. Choose the appropriate drug/s for the given clinical condition
3. Choose the appropriate dose, route, frequency and duration of therapy for the chosen drug/s
4. Write a legible  prescription as per MCI format
5. Provide appropriate information to the patient regarding the prescription
6. Explain the legality (legal implications) of prescriptions.
189   Precription and communication - I SGT/Practical
190   Precription and communication - II SGT/Practical
  PH3.2 Perform and interpret a critical appraisal (audit) of a given
  PH3.2/SLO :
At the end of the session, student should be able to
1. Demonstrate the understanding of importance of completeness of prescription
2. Demonstrate the understanding of clinical diagnosis for which drugs are prescribed
3. Demonstrate the understanding of  MCI format of prescription
4. Identify and comment on any discrepancies in the completeness and legibility of the prescription
5. Identify  and comment on any discrepancies in the selection of drug, drug form, dose, frequency, duration of the treatment, instructions  according to STG
6. Re-Write the prescription correcting all the  discrepancies identified
191   How to audit precription/NABH norms SGT/Practical
  PH3.3 Perform a critical evaluation of the drug promotional literature  
  PH3.3/SLO :
At the end of this session student should be able to :
1. Discuss the various types of sources of drug information
2. Demonstrate understanding of importance of critical evaluation of drug promotional literature
3. Critically evaluate the given drug promotional literature based on WHO criteria
▫ Appropriateness of illustration
▫ Relevance of references cited
▫ Content of scientific information 
192   Critical evaluation of the drug promotional literature - I SGT/Practical
193   Critical evaluation of the drug promotional literature - II SGT/Practical
  PH3.4 To recognise and report an adverse drug reaction  
  PH3.4/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to
1. Recognise an adverse drug reaction (ADR) in the given case
2. Perform causality assessment of the identified ADR using WHO & Naranjo’s Scale
3. Fill the ADR reporting form (CDSCO from)
4. Explain the management of the ADR
5. Explain the methods to prevent the occurrence of the ADR
6.  Report the ADR to  the  pharmacovigilance centre
7. Describe the Importance of reporting ADRs
8. Describe the various levels of reporting ADRs national and international centres
194   ADR - data collection, analysis and reporting skill lab
  PH3.5 To prepare and explain a list of P-drugs for a given case/condition  
  PH3.5/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to
1. Define the diagnosis
2. Specify the therapeutic objective
3. Make an inventory of effective groups of drugs
4. Choose an effective group of drug according to efficacy, safety and suitability criteria
5. Choose the P-Drug for the given clinical condition
195   P-drug concept - steps to drive P - drug for a given condition -I AETCOM
196   P-drug concept - steps to drive P - drug for a given condition -II AETCOM
  PH3.6 Demonstrate how to optimize interaction with pharmaceutical
representative to get authentic information on drugs
  PH3.6/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to

1. Enumerate the key elements in the WHO guidelines on Ethical criteria for medicinal drug promotion.
2.  Direct the discussion with pharmaceutical representative so as to get the information he needs about the drug effectively.
3. Collect a copy of data sheet of the product under discussion.
4. Compare the verbal statements with those in the official text during presentation effectively.
5. Perform a prior literature search and check quality of research methodology of the drug under discussion including cost comparison.
6. Decide effectively whether to include the drug in personal formulary with regard to efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of medicines 
197   interaction with pharmaceutical representative to get authentic information  AETCOM
  PH3.7 Prepare a list of essential medicines for a healthcare facility  
  PH3.7/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to

1. Understand the concept of Essential Medicines List for the nation/state/ health care facility
2. Identify the factors that determine the choice of drugs in an Essential Medicines List.
3. Prepare a list of essential medicines for a healthcare facility, with justification in a given scenario
198   Listing the essential drugs for a healthcare facility skill lab
  PH3.8 Communicate effectively with a patient on the proper use of
prescribed medication
  PH3.8/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to
1. Communicate about the effects of the prescribed drug with regards to the following:
a. Why the drug is needed
b. Which symptoms will disappear, and which will not
c. When the effect is expected to start
d. What will happen if the drug is taken incorrectly or not at all

2. Communicate about the adverse effects of the prescribed drug with regards to the following:
a. Which side effects may occur
b. How to recognize them
c. How long they will continue
d. How serious they are
e. What action to take

3. Communicate about the  instructions of drug use as following:
a. How the drug should be taken
b. When it should be taken
c. How long the treatment should continue
d. How the drug should be stored
e. What to do with left-over drugs
4. Communicate  about the warnings of the prescribed drug with regards to the following:
a. When the drug should not be taken
b. What is the maximum dose
c. Why the full treatment course should be taken

5. Communicate  about the future consultations with regards to the following:
a. When to come back (or not)
b. In what circumstances to come earlier
c. What information the doctor will need at the next appointment

6. Conclude the consultation by asking the following questions:
a. Ask the patient whether everything is understood
b. Ask the patient to repeat the most important information
c. Ask whether the patient has any more questions
199   Patient counseling on drug compliance AETCOM
4   Topic Experimental Pharmacology   
  PH4.1 Administer drugs through various routes in a simulated
environment using mannequins
  PH4.1/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to

I. Oral route

1. Identify the different dosage forms administered through the Oral route and instructions given to the patient for administering it.
2. Present the merits and demerits of Oral route of drug administration.
3. Demonstrate the administration of the drugs through oral route.
4. Identify the different equipment required for Nasogastric tube (NGT) insertion
5. Demonstrate the Nasogastric tube insertion and present the purpose.
6. Demonstrate the positioning of the patient during NGT insertion.
7. Demonstrate the preparation of the feeds for NG feeding.
  II. Sublingual/ Buccal

1. Demonstrate the administration of the drugs through Sublingual and Buccal route.
2. Present the instructions for administering the same and how to terminate the action of the drug.
3. Present the different examples with dosage forms for the same.

III. Transrectal

1. Identify the devices used to administer dosage forms through transrectal route.
2. Present the instructions to the patient before administering dosage forms through transcutaneous route.
3. Demonstrate the administration of suppositories by rectal route.
4. Demonstrate the administration of enema (Evacuant/ Retention) by rectal route.
IV. Transvaginal

1. Identify the devices used to administer dosage forms through transvaginal route.
2. Present the instructions to the patient before administering dosage forms through transvaginal route.
3. Demonstrate the administration of pessary, creams and foams by vaginal route.
4. Demonstrate the administration of douche by vaginal route.
5. Identify different types of Intrauterine contraception
6. Present the instructions/counseling to the patients on intrauterine contraception.
7. Demonstrate the placement of intrauterine contraception using the stimulation setting
Specific learning Objective for parenteral injections on mannequins

I. Intra Muscular injection
1. Identify the devices required for IM injection
2. Demonstrate the prerequisite preparations for injection along with aseptic precautions.
3. Present instructions to the patient about the injection procedure.
4. Identify the sites of IM injection on mannequin and present merits and demerits of each site.
5. Demonstrate the proper technique for IM injection.

II. Intravenous injection  
1. Identify the devices required for IV injection
2. Demonstrate the prerequisite preparations for injection along with aseptic precautions
3. Present instructions to the patient about the injection procedure.
4. Identify the sites of  IV injection on mannequin
5. Demonstrate the proper technique for IV injection. 
III. Subcutaneous injection
1. Identify the devices required for SC injection.
2. Demonstrate the prerequisite preparations for injection along with aseptic precautions.
3. Present instructions to the patient about the injection procedure.
4. Identify the sites of SC injection on mannequin.
5. Demonstrate the proper technique for SC injection.

IV. Intradermal injection
1. Identify the devices required for Intradermal injection.
2. Demonstrate the prerequisite preparations for injection along with aseptic precautions.
3. Present instructions to the patient about the injection procedure.
4. Demonstrate the proper technique for Intradermal injection.
V. Intracardiac injection
1. Demonstrate a proper technique for Intracardiacinjection.
2. Demonstrate the prerequisite preparations for injection along with aseptic precautions.
Local / Topical application
Specific Learning Objectives.

I. Transcutaneous – Iontophoresis, Inunction, Jet Injection, Transdermal delivery system

1. Identify the devices used to administer dosage forms through transcutaneous route.
2. Present the instructions to the patient before administering dosage forms through transcutaneous route.
3. Demonstrate the administration of dosage forms by Iontophoresis method.
4. Demonstrate the administration of dosage forms by Inunction method.
5. Demonstrate the administration of dosage forms by Jet Injection method.
6. Demonstrate the administration of Transdermal patches.
II. Transmucosal/ Inhalational

1. Document the inhalational devices used to administer inhalational dosage forms.
2. Present the merits and demerits of inhalational devices over one another
3. Present the instructions to the patient before using inhalational devices.
4. Demonstrate the administration of inhalational dosage forms.
5. Identify the different types of airway masks and intubation tubes. Present a method for selection of intubation tubes.
6. Demonstrate the administration of anesthetic/ therapeutic gases through airway masks and intubation tubes.
  III. Transnasal

1. Identify dosage forms administered transnasally.
2. Identify the devices used for administering dosage forms transnasally.
3. Present the merits and demerits of Transnasal route of drug administration.
4. Present the instructions to the patient before administering dosage forms by transnasal route.

IV. Ophthalmic/ Ear route

1. Identify dosage forms administered by ophthalmic/ ear route.
2. Present the instructions to the patient before administering dosage forms by ophthalmic/ ear route.
200   Simulation Ex routes of drug administration - I DOAP
201   Simulation Ex routes of drug administration - II DOAP
  PH4.2 Demonstrate the effects of drugs on blood pressure (vasopressor
and vaso-depressors with appropriate blockers) using computer
aided learning
  PH4.2/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to

1. Choose the appropriate animal experiment to study the effects of drugs on blood pressure
2. Explain the differences in actions of different vasopressor    (adrenaline, noradrenaline)
3. Explain the differences in actions of different vasodepressors (ACh, alphablockers, histamine)
4. Analyse and interpret the graph obtained accurately on application of various drugs
5. Enumerate the therapeutic uses of vasopressors and vasodepressors
202   CAL  skill lab
203   CAL skill lab
204   CAL  skill lab
205   CAL skill lab
206   CAL skill lab
207   CAL skill lab
208   CAL skill lab
209   CAL skill lab
5   Topic Pharmacology   
  PH5.1 Communicate with the patient with empathy and ethics on all
aspects of  drug use
  PH5.1/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to:
1. Describe what information should be given to patients to allow them to make informed decisions
2. Communicate treatment plan and instructions to
patient, at a suitable level of information
3. Engage in shared decision making where appropriate
210   Empathy and ethics on drug use - I AETCOM
211   Empathy and ethics on drug use - II AETCOM
212   Empathy and ethics on drug use - III AETCOM
213   Empathy and ethics on drug use - IV AETCOM
  PH5.2 Communicate with the patient regarding optimal use of a) drug
therapy, b) devices and c) storage of medicines
  PH5.2/SLO :
At the end of this session, the student should be able to

a) Drug Therapy

1.Communicate about the effects of the prescribed drug with regards to the following:
e. Why the drug is needed
f. Which symptoms will disappear, and which will not
g. When the effect is expected to start
h. What will happen if the drug is taken incorrectly or not at all
2. Communicate about the adverse effects of the prescribed drug with regards to the following:
f. Which side effects may occur
g. How to recognize them
h. How long they will continue
i. How serious they are
j. What action to take
  3. Communicate about the  instructions of drug use as following:
f. How the drug should be taken
g. When it should be taken
h. How long the treatment should continue
i. How the drug should be stored
j. What to do with left-over drugs
4. Communicate  about the warnings of the prescribed drug with regards to the following:
d. When the drug should not be taken
e. What is the maximum dose
f. Why the full treatment course should be taken
5. Communicate  about the future consultations with regards to the following:
d. When to come back (or not)
e. In what circumstances to come earlier
f. What information the doctor will need at the next appointment
6. Conclude the consultation by asking the following questions:
d. Ask the patient whether everything is understood
e. Ask the patient to repeat the most important information
Ask whether the patient has any more questions
b) Devices The student should be able to communicate

i) Step wise points or instructions on use of device
ii) Communicate list of do’s and don’ts on the device
iii) Demonstrate the proper use of device and ask the patient to show the same.
iv) Methods on handling, cleaning and storage of device
v) Dangers of use of device on other persons, without the prescription of doctor
vi) Importance of keeping the device away from reach of the children
vii) Contact number of manufacturer to be communicated on trouble shooting
  c) Storage of Medicines : The student should be able to communicate to patients on
i) Ideal storage condition of a pharmaceutical product as per product label
ii) Effect of storage condition on potency and efficacy of the drug
iii) ill effects of improper storage condition on human consumption
iv) Importance of expiry date of the drug
v) Factors to be taken in to consideration for drug storage like sanitation, temperature, light, moisture, ventilation and segregation.
vi) Importance of storage of medicines away from reach of the children
vii) Disposal of expired drugs
214   Patient instruction regarding usage of devices and storage - I AETCOM
215   patient instruction regarding usage of devices and storage - II AETCOM
216   patient instruction regarding usage of devices and storage - III AETCOM
217   patient instruction regarding usage of devices and storage - IV AETCOM
218   patient instruction regarding usage of devices and storage - V AETCOM
  PH5.3 Motivate patients with chronic diseases to adhere to the prescribed management by the health care provider  
  PH5.3/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to

1. Explain the term medication adherence
2. Explain the consequences of non-adherence in chronic diseases
3. Explain the methods to measure the medication adherence
4. Elicit the barriers affecting medication adherence
5. Explains the measures to be taken to motivate the patient to adhere to medications in chronic diseases
219   Patient education on drug usage and its importance in therapy - I AETCOM
220   patient education on drug usage and its importance in therapy - II AETCOM
  PH5.4 Explain  to the patient the relationship between cost of treatment
and patient compliance
  PH5.4/SLO :
At the end of this session, the student should be able to
1. Assess the cost of the treatment
2. Enumerate various factors influencing patient compliance (patient related, disease condition related, therapy related and health system related factors).
3. Communicate clearly to the patient about relationship between cost of treatment and non-compliance
221   pharmacoeconomics and compliance skill lab
222   pharmacoeconomics and compliance skill lab
223   pharmacoeconomics and compliance skill lab
224   pharmacoeconomics and compliance skill lab
  PH5.5 Demonstrate an understanding of the caution in prescribing drugs likely  to  produce dependence and recommend the line of
  PH5.5/SLO :
At the end of the session the student should be able to
1. Describe the term drug dependence
2. Enumerate the drugs that produce dependence
3. Describe the Legality involved in prescribing drugs likely to produce dependence (Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940; Pharmacy Act, 1948; Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act, 1985)
4.  Describe the clinical including  psychosocial assessment of the patient before prescribing
5. Describe the importance of documentation of prescribing process
6. Describe the importance of periodic review of prescriptions
7. Describe the basic treatment regimens for various addictions and withdrawal states along with psycho-social rehabilitation
225   demonstration of drug dependence and addiction with roleplay AETCOM
226   demonstration of drug dependence and addiction with roleplay AETCOM
  PH5.6 Demonstrate ability to educate public & patients about various
aspects of drug use including drug dependence and OTC drugs
At the end of this session, the student should be able to educate the patients and public regarding:
1. The importance of complying with the doctor’s instructions
2. The demerits of self-prescription
3. The importance of identifying and reporting ADRs to concerned authorities
4. Caution be taken while using drugs causing dependence
5. Safe use of OTC
227   demonstration of drug dependence on OTC drugs with roleplay AETCOM
228   demonstration of drug dependence on OTC drugs with roleplay AETCOM
  PH5.7 Demonstrate an understanding of the legal and ethical aspects of
prescribing drugs
  PH5.7/SLO :
At the end of this session, the student should be able to
Legal aspects
1. Explain who is entitled to prescribe medicines and the  legal requirements involved
2. Describe the legal requirements associated with prescribing controlled drugs
3. Describe the legal implications of irrational prescription that could endanger the life of patients

Ethical aspects
1. Describe the importance of rational prescription
2. Explain the responsibilities of prescribing in a resource limited setting
3. Describe what information should be given to patients to allow them to make informed decisions
4. Explain why it is important to recognize limits of competence and to ask for help when needed
5. Explain the responsibility of all prescribers to update knowledge
6. Describe the importance of following clinical guidelines, protocols and formularies are appropriate
229   legal and ethical aspects of prescription SGT/Practical
230   legal and ethical aspects of prescription SGT/Practical