


Anesthesiology is a branch of medicine that allows safe usage of medical drugs to induce a Reversible state of total (or) partial lack of responsiveness to surgical procedure so that they can be carried out smoothly without causing any distress & inconvenience to the patient.

  1. AIMS

Driven by the core value of safety, professionalism, knowledge and dedicated team work, Our aims is to deliver highest standards of Patients care using evidence based medicine with latest equipments.

  • Patients are entitled safe, evidence informed, humanistic medical care.
  • We are committed to high quality and cost effective value for patients and the health care system.
  • Offering holistic personalized care to all patient
  • Building confidence and trust with patients can be accomplished by outstanding service.
  • The equipment used to administer anesthesia and monitor the progress our patient is the most modern and advance in the health care market.

Of the eleven operation theaters 7 have the latest laminar flow and Exhaust system .daycare surgeries are managed in the minor OT. There are 3 Minor operation Theater One in Casualty, one in Labor room to cater to minor cases and Septic cases. they are equipped with Facilities as per with any other OT’s .

The monitoring equipments like the multipara monitoring and the capnography machine of high standard. Separate pre medication and recovery room are located adjust to the main operation theatre.

The Entire block is maintained as sterile zone through periodic fumigation. Sterilization is double checked with periodic bacterial contamination detection by means of procedure dictated by microbiology department. Our hospital had an Liquid oxygen plants and a gas manifold that caters to the needs of the entire hospital. An air compressor unit and a central suction unit to functions and take care for the entire hospital .We have separate CSSD With double door autoclave and ETO Sterilizer which function round the clock .


The department of Anesthesiology extends its dedicated service to all surgical specialities. These include general surgery, orthopedics, obstetrics & gynecology otorhinolaryngocology and super specialties such an Onco-surgery, plastic surgery Neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, orofacio maxillary surgery.


Our team comprising professors, associate professors and assistant professors have excellent credentials.

Our faculty members have vast years experience in the field of anaesthiology and are equipped to administer anesthesia to simple as well as complicated surgery.


Our faculty members constantly upgrade themselves by attending international, national, zonal conferences. Faculties of our department regularly deliver guest lecture and chair session at various national and regional conferences.  

Our team of well skilled anesthesiologists provide optimum patient care not only in OT but also in optimizing preoperative patient and providing comprehensive patient care during the early post operative period.


Educate . Empower . Enlighten

Emergency Call : 93612 83664
Sankari Main Road (NH- 544),
Veerapandi Union, Salem- 636 308,
Tamil Nadu , India.
Phone: 0427- 2203000
email: ;
Fax: 0427- 2203030
BSL Lab Phone: 0427- 2203050

Working Hours

  • College: 8.00 AM- 4.00 PM
  • OPD: 8.30 AM- 3.30 PM
  • Casualty: 24 / 7