

Welcome to the Department of Microbiology at AMCH. It is a Multidisciplinary unit consisting of Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, Immunology, Serology, Mycology, Molecular biology and Infection Control & Antimicrobial Stewardship practices.

The department has progressed with time and presently has efficient Faculties assisted by a team of Technical staffs and non-teaching staffs. The department offers excellent opportunities for research in infectious diseases. Research articles are published every year in national and international journals & our Department has published 15 research articles in the period from 2011-2022.

Presently facilities have been upgraded from teaching Microbiology for MBBS students to MD Microbiology post graduates& B.SC MLT students. During the IInd MBBS course the department integrates academics, diagnostics with high end research. Young medicos are being encouraged in academics and research. Our institute is equipped with high end Skill lab which provides a safe training environment for Medicos & Non medicos.

The Microbiology section of the central laboratory has diagnostic equipments which are of current international standards and emphasizes on quality and rapid turnover time like Automated blood culture system (BacT Alert) & Elisa flow station.

Recently the department has geared and established state of art molecular laboratory which has been accredited by NABL for testing of COVID-19 & HCV by real time PCR. The lab has been NABL accredited from 22’nd September 2020 as per ISO: 15189.  The NABL Certification number is MC-3708


This Post graduate course is a three year programme offered by M.G.R University. The aim of this course is to train the students of Medicine in the field of Clinical & Diagnostic Microbiology and infectious diseases, with specific emphasis on patient management and infection control. We aim to give a significant level of theoretical and practical skills in understanding all the disciplines of Microbiology mentioned above, and competent enough to follow a career in the diagnosis and study of infectious diseases. They will be trained in basic research methodology so that they are able to conduct fundamental and applied research. They will also be trained in teaching methods so that they can take up teaching assignments.


The course is a Competency based Medical education. The goal of the postgraduate medical education shall be to produce a competent specialist and Medical teacher, who shall recognize the health needs of the community and carry out professional obligations ethically in keeping with the objectives of the national health policy. The candidate shall have mastered most of the competencies, pertaining to clinical diagnostic Microbiology that are required to be practiced at the secondary and the tertiary levels of the healthcare delivery system. They shall have acquired the basic skills of teaching Medical and paramedical professionals. The knowledge shall be transferred to the post graduates by educators through didactic lectures, integrated lectures, journal clubs, Seminars and Practical sessions.



1.      Students Practical Lab: Can accommodate 75 students at a time for a practical session. It’s well equipped with excellent binocular Microscopes including dark ground microscope for the staining sessions to understand the morphology of different pathogens.

2.      Museum: The Dept has a Museum filled with unique collection of Charts & Models which provide an educational resource at student’s individual convenience.

3.      Library: TheDept library has 164books and latest National & International journals for undergraduates and post graduates. The Library is equipped with AV aids

4.      The Demonstration / seminar room has audio-visual aids for presentation Sessions and can accommodate 90 students at a time

5.      The Research laboratory: Has hitech instruments necessary for research work.

6.      The department hosts an array of major laboratories as per MCI norms which include; Immunology laboratory, Serology laboratory, Aerobic bacteriology laboratory, Antimicrobial testing laboratory, Mycobacteriology laboratory, Mycology laboratory, Parasitology laboratory, and Molecular biology laboratory. This laboratory caters to the diagnostic services and derives a constant source of research problems faced in the clinical medicine. All the laboratories have expertise & infrastructure.

7.      Faculty Rooms: Large, well-ventilated separate rooms are available for faculties & post graduates.


The Dept. has 15 Research article, three Review articles & two Case Reports published in national and international Journals and Five on-going projects.



Faculty Name

Award won

Name of the awarding agency

Date of award

National/State level


University first in M.D. Microbiology exam

Dr.M.G.R Medical University


State level



National Academy of medical sciences


National level

Dr.N.Shanmuga Vadivoo

Best Oral Presentation

Basic sciences conference at Vinayaka missions kirubanandavariyar medical college


National level

Dr.N.Shanmuga Vadivoo

Best performance Award Second National “ Hospital Infection Control Workshop”

Department of Microbiology - Jipmer Medical college-Pondicherry 

Jan-29’th 2018- Feb 2’nd-2018

National level

Dr.N.Shanmuga Vadivoo

Best poster presentation

VIN-HICON 2022 by Vinayaka missions kirubanandavariyar medical college

September -2022

National level



Our students S.Vishambhar, U.M.Ramkrishna and Nikhil.S.Nair participated in NRIC 2016 - Novel Research and innovation competition held between August 16-18 in University Sains Malaysia and won Bronze medal for their project "Hand Hygiene - Need of the hour" under the guidance of Dr.B.Usha, Professor of Microbiology, & Dean Annapoorana Medical College & Hospitals-Salem.


I.                        Central Microbiology Lab

Our central clinical microbiology laboratory at AMCH offers expertise in all areas of conventional and molecular medical microbiology. The labs offer a broad selection of tests to rapidly identify and characterize causative agents of infectious diseases in great depth.

Our central lab have implemented culture techniques, immunoassays, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and Molecular methods to rapidly detect identify and characterize microbial pathogens as well as provide guidance for their treatment.

Collectively the labs perform thousands of tests each year and functions as 24x7 emergency laboratory services. The tests done at our lab in the following areas

·         Bacteriology

·         Virology

·         Parasitology

·         Infectious Diseases Serology

·         Hepatitis and HIV

·         Mycology and Mycobacteriology

·         Initial Processing and Media Preparation Laboratories


II.                        Molecular lab:

During this COVID-19 pandemic as per MCI directive a state of art Biosafety level-2 Infectious disease laboratory was started for testing COVID-19 infected patients

The infra-structure & design of the lab is as per WHO recommendations where the work areas are physically separated as reagent preparation room, RNA extraction room, PCR amplification room & Post PCR room. The Equipments of the lab is as per NABL which includes Biosafety cabinets, Quant studia-5, Molbio-Truenat, Thermo mixer, Refrigerated centrifuge, etc. We have trained technicians and consultants as per the norms of NABL.

III.                        Quality control

We are enrolled with External Quality Assurance schemes (EQAS) in bacteriology; serology & virology offered by Christian medical college (Vellore).This maintains the standards of the laboratory in a National forum. We are also enrolled with King Institute of Preventive Medicine for Inter Lab Quality Control (ILQC) for Molecular Biology. We have a well-documented internal quality checks for efficient patient care delivery.





Educate . Empower . Enlighten

Emergency Call : 93612 83664
Sankari Main Road (NH- 544),
Veerapandi Union, Salem- 636 308,
Tamil Nadu , India.
Phone: 0427- 2203000
email: ;
Fax: 0427- 2203030
BSL Lab Phone: 0427- 2203050

Working Hours

  • College: 8.00 AM- 4.00 PM
  • OPD: 8.30 AM- 3.30 PM
  • Casualty: 24 / 7