
Department of Community Medicine


Community Medicine is a branch of Medicine concerned with the health of people. Through Primary Health Care approach, the department strives to protect the community, by promoting the health and well being of the people. The main Aim of the department of Community Medicine is to assess the needs of the population and appropriate strategies are developed to improve the health status of the Community.

The Community Medicine Department trains the students in the Science and Art of preventing diseases, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency, through organized community effort. Apart from Academic activities, the Community Medicine Department is engaged in providing Preventive, Promotive and Curative Services to Urban and Rural population through different tiers of Health Care Delivery Systems.

Vision - To create ‘Health for All’ by training our students to be competent and compassionate experts in the field of Community Medicine.

Mission- To unlock the limitless potential of our students to contribute to the Health of the Nation and the World, by providing an environment that nurtures talent, fuels creativity and inspires continuous learning.


  • To empower students with the knowledge, attitude and skills required for them to function as Primary Care Physicians
  • To inculcate in students a holistic approach towards the care of patients
  • To teach students, the importance of prevention of disease
  • To orient students to the functioning of National and International Health Systems and Programs
  • To create a scientific mindset in students by teaching them how to conduct research studies


The department of Community Medicine is located in the first floor of the College building. The department has the following facilities

  • Department Library- which contains the Text Books, Journals both National & International and Research Projects done by the Students and Faculty
  • Health Museum- contains Models, Charts, Specimen and Slides which cover the broader areas in Community Medicine
  • Research Laboratory- is fully equipped and Lab contains all tools necessary for Public Health Research
  • Two Demonstration Halls with capacity of seventy five students each and equipped with teaching aids like AV Aids, OHP, Blackboard etc.,

Courses handled:

  • MBBS

Affiliated University:

The Tamil Nadu DR.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai

Academic activities:


The Department has been implementing Health Care Services to the rural communities. It has been attached with Three Government PHCs and  running Urban and Rural Health Training Centers to take care of Promotive, Preventive And Curative Health Care to the rural and underserved urban population.

Department is actively involving itself in conducting General as well as Specialty Camps in collaboration with various Government Health Centers both in Rural and Urban areas


The Department has full strength of dedicated faculty, both teaching and non-teaching for the Department, Urban and Rural Health Training Centers as per the Medical Council of India (MCI) Norms.

For providing standard Medical Education and to produce a holistic Medical Graduate, the Department has excellent facilities to train the Under Graduate Students both in the Classrooms and Community.

Undergraduate Training Program:

Students are trained by our team of qualified and dedicated faculty and make them,

  • To understand the Concept of Health and its Determinants
  • To assess the Community Health Problems
  • To prepare them to have an adequate knowledge on common Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
  • To plan, implement and evaluate the Community Based Health Interventions

Teaching, Learning Tools & Academic Activities:

  • Lecture with MCQs
  • Small Group Teaching
  • Field Visits
  • Family Studies
  • Clinical Social Case Studies
  • Public Health Place Visit
  • Seminars
  • Assignment Writing and Tutorials
  • Conducting Epidemiological Surveys
  • Statistical and Epidemiological Exercises
  • Spotters, Charts and Models related to Nutrition, Family planning, Immunization
  • Training in Health Education and Communication
  • Quiz

Field Visits and Community Survey:

  • Undergraduate Students are taken to community to study about the Socio-Environmental, Nutritional and other Determinants of Health and Disease in the form of Community Orientation Program (COP) and Family Health Advisory Program (FHAP).
  • The MBBS Students are also taken to various Places of Public Health Importance to incorporate in-depth practical knowledge on the specific topics.
  • During the CRRI training, they are posted in the Govt. PHCs/ UHTC/ RHTC and they are encouraged to conduct Projects and Field Surveys. CRRIs are also involved in various Health Education Programmes, General Health Camps and actively participate in various National Health Programmes like Pulse Polio Immunization Camps.


The Department of Community Medicine is encouraging the students to actively participate in conducting Community-Based Health Research on Priority Health Problems under the supervision and guidance of the faculty members and to develop as doctors with a service orientation mindset towards Underprivileged Communities.

Health Centers Attached with the Department:

  1. Government Primary Health Centre (GPHC):
  • MBBS students are regularly taken to these Govt. PHCs to understand and study the various functions and resources of Govt. PHCs. They are assigned small projects related to various Health Services and National Health Programmes
  • For each Government PHC, Interns (CRRIs) are posted regularly for a period of two months to provide Health Care Services. CRRIs are also posted in Mobile Medical Camps for the regular medical services to the remote and hard to reach areas.
  1. Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC):
  • Govt. Rural Health Training Centre, E.Kattur, Salem is located at 14 km from Annapoorana Medical College and Hospital, Salem covering 43,966 population. E Kattur is equipped with all the Basic Medical Facilities.E kattur PHC is an Additional PHC of Magudanchavadi Block. It has the following Health Sub-Centers.
  • E.Kattur
  • E Salai
  • Kosavapatty
  • Kadayampatty
  • Egapuram
  • MBBS students from different Phases will be exposed to various functions of PHC.CRRIs will be posted in rotation and gain hands-on experience to various Services provided at the PHC like ANC, PNC, Immunization, NCD Screening, Cancer Screening, Out-Patient and In-Patient Services; Outreach activities, Field & Community Surveys, Health Education programmes and Involve themselves in various National Health Programmes.

Activities of Rural Health Centre: (RHTC)

  • General OP Services
  • Specialty Clinic Services
  • Laboratory Services
  • Health Education
  • Out-Reach Services
  • Training
  • Research
  • Maintenance of Vital Statistics
  • School Health Services
  • In-Patient Services
  • Obstetric & Labour Services
  • Immunisation
  1. Urban Health Training Centre (UHTC):

Govt. Urban Health Training Centre, Dhadhagapatty, Salem is located at 16km from Annapoorana Medical College and Hospital, Salem covering 80,000 population. UHTC & RHTC are the Field Practicing Areas for MBBS Students and CRRIs’ of Community Medicine Dept AMCH, that caters to promote, protect and preserve the health of the community. The most vital goal of the PHC is teaching and training of Medical Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Students.

Activities of Urban Health Centre: (UHTC)

  • General OP services
  • Specialty Clinic Services
  • Laboratory Services
  • Health Education
  • Out-Reach Services
  • Training
  • Research
  • Maintenance Of Vital Statistics
  • Immunisation

Outreach Activities:

Free medical camps are conducted regularly by our department, with Specialists and in collaboration with Government Primary Health Centre.

Field visits:

  • Visit to PHC/ HSC/ AWC
  • Visit to CHC/ District Hospital
  • Visit to RHTC/ UHTC
  • Visit to Industries/ Water Sewage Treatment Plan
  • Visit to Milk Dairy
  • Visit to Water Purification Centre
  • Visit to Leprosy Centre
  • Visit to Home for Aged
  • Visit to Home for Mentally Retarded Children
  • Visit to TB Sanatorium
  • Visit to Food & Water Analyses Lab

National Health Programme/ Awareness Programme:

Medical Students are involved in the following National Health Programme,

  • Dengue Awareness Programme at Veerapandi,

Kalparapatty, Magudanchavadi, Ellampillai

  • AIDS Control Programme
  • Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme
  • Celebration of World Breast Feeding Week from 1-7 August every year
  • Pulse Polio Immunization Programme
  • School Health Awareness Programme
  • Celebration of World Health Days every year
  • World TB day Health awareness program






World AIDS Day




WHO – World Health Day Celebrations

Theme “Combat Antimicrobial Resistance ;

No Treatment today ,

No Cure Tomorrow.”


AMCH OP -  Reception area


Anti-Malarial Activities




World Breast Feeding Week




Pulse Polio immunization

Day 1: 18.01.2015

Day2 : 22.02.2015

Toll plaza at Vaikundam


World TB Day


Magudanchavadi block


World Health Day

Theme: From Farm To Plate , Make Food Safe


AMCH OP  - Reception area


World Breast Feeding Week




Pulse Polio Immunization




Mosquito Born Diseases & Personal Protection Measures




Dengue Awareness  & Non-Communicable Diseases




Dengue Awareness  & Non-Communicable Diseases




Dengue Awareness  & Non-Communicable Diseases


Kalparapatty Village


Dengue Awareness  & Non-Communicable Diseases




Dengue Awareness  & Non-Communicable Diseases




Faculties actively participate in National and International Conferences, Workshops. Undergraduate Students are encouraged to participate and present research papers at various National and International Conferences. Medical students are guided by the faculty in conduct of ICMR Research Projects.

Research in the Department:

  1. Student’s Project


  1. Prevalence and determinants of tobacco use among rural population in Salem District
  1. Environmental issues and Awareness of Dengue among rural community in Salem district


  1. A study on prevalence of alcoholism and its co -morbidity pattern among urban adult population in Salem, Tamilnadu
  1. Nutritional status among elementary school children, Karungalpatti, Salem – A descriptive study
  1. Prevalence of Non – Communicable Diseases and its risk factors among adult - rural community in Salem.
  1. Psychosocial aspects of Nutrition among girls of Govt. Residual schools for under-Privileged, Magudanchavadi, Salem
  1. Health Education on immunization to the women in the age group of 15-40 in urban slum, Salem
  1. Breast feeding practices among women having children under 2 years in an urban slum, Salem
  1. Household Survey for Environmental Sanitation and Safe Drinking Water in    Rural Area, Magudanchavadi,   Salem District, Tamilnadu
  1. Prevalence of Obesity and its co-morbidity pattern among the persons aged 20 years and above in rural population in Salem, Tamilnadu


  1. Health seeking behaviour for common ailments and prevalence of morbidity patters is urban area
  1. Contraceptive practices among married women of reproductive age group is urban field practice area, Salem, Tamilnadu
  1. Social factors influencing health pattern as among elderly in rural areas
  1. Attitude of awareness to wants blood of organ donation
  1. A cross sectional studies on perinatal card and services among having children up to two years in rural Salem
  1. Health care seeking behaviour for animal bite among rural population
  1. Prevalence of Non – Communicable Diseases and its risk factors among adult urban population in Salem


  1. Prevalence of psychosocial problems among school going adolescents in rural area of Salem
  1. Cross sectional study on road traffic accidents and domestic accidents and its determinants among rural population in Magudanchavadi, Salem
  1. A cross sectional study on prevalence of refractive error in model school children Magudanchavadi, Salem, Tamilnadu
  1. A cross-sectional study on age related morbidity and psychosocial problems among elderly in Magudanchavadi, Salem, Tamilnadu
  1. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and health seeking behaviour among the general population in the rural field practice area of Annapoorana Medical College, Salem
  1. Impact of improper sanitation on health of the urban slum population, Salem


  1. KAP study on Mosquitoes and personal prevention and control practices in rural field practice area of AMCH, Salem.
  1. KAP study on family planning in rural field practice area of AMCH, Salem, Tamilnadu.
  1. Cross sectional consumption study on tobacco consumption and implementation of tobacco act in rural areas of Magudanchavadi, Salem, Tamilnadu
  1. KAP study on solid waste management among the rural population of Magudanchavadi, Salem, Tamilnadu.
  1. A cross sectional study on psychosocial problems among adolescent school students of rural population of Tamil Nadu.
  1. Attitude and practice of euthanasia among medical professionals in tertiary care hospital in Salem. A cross sectional study.
  1. A study on health seeking behavior among chest symptomatic among rural population in Salem. A cross sectional study


  1. Screening of refractive error among school children of rural field practice area of Annapoorana Medical College, Salem.
  1. A cross sectional study on prevalence of domestic accidents and road traffic accidents among rural population Salem.
  1. Morbidity pattern and psychosocial problems among elderly population of rural area. A cross sectional study.
  1. Prevalence of health problems associated with sanitation practices among urban population Salem.
  1. Prevalence study of risk factors for non –communicable diseases among urban population Salem.
  • Ongoing Projects
  1. A study to Evaluate Mobile Phone Dependence/Nomophobia Among Medical College Students, Dhanasekar.G, Dr.Mohammed Ibrahim.R
  1. A cross sectional study on determinants of Indoor Air Pollution and its perceived impact among the residents of urban field practice area of AMCH, Salem, TN- Dr.Priyadarsini.S.P, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim.R, Dr. Abdul Nayeem.R
  1. Perception of rural women regarding barriers in utilization of Maternal Health care services- A qualitative study- Dr. Priyadarsini.S.P, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim, Dr. Abdul Nayeem.R.
  1. Depression in antenatal women- A cross sectional study.- R.Mohammed Ibrahim.R, Dr.Priyadarsini.S.P, Dr.Abdul Nayeem. R, Dr.Somasundaram.V.M.
  1. Cross sectional study on prevalence and clinic socio profile of high risk pregnancy in rural Tamilnadu.- Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim.R, Dr. Priyadarsini.S.P. Dr.Abdul Nayeem.R, Dr.Somasundaram.V.M
  1. Learning Style Preferences of Undergraduate Medical Students in a Private Medical College, Salem, Tamilnadu- Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim.R, Dr.Dhanasekar.G
  1. The epidemiology of road accidents reported to A Tertiary care hospital in a rural area of Salem, Tamil Nadu- Dr.Gautam Babu.
  • Publications by the Faculty
  1. Dr.Somasundaram.V.M., May (2018). Prevalence of obesity, pre-diabetes, diabetes mellitus, pre-hypertension and hypertension among health checkup beneficiaries in erode district, Tamilnadu. Journal of the Indian medical association 2018 may / Vol 116/ no 5/ p 8-11.
  2. Shankar Radha Krishnan, Abdul Nayeem. Prevalence of depression among geriatric population   in a rural area in Tamilnadu. International journal of nutrition, pharmacology and neurological diseases/ July 2013/ Vol 3/ issue 3/ p-309-312.
  3. Shankar Radha Krishnan, Abdul Nayeem. Prevalence and factors influencing domestic        accidents in a rural area in Salem district. International journal of medical science   and Public health/2016/ Vol 5/issue 8/ p-1-5.
  4. C, Abdul Nayeem. Prevalence of reproductive tract infections among recently married women in Veerapandi Panchayat union of Salem district, Tamilnadu. International journal of community medicine/ April 2007vol 32/ no 2/ p-144-145.
  5. G, Kalyani.P, Jayasree.T.M, Prevalence of common dental diseases among primary school children, Pitchavaram, Chidambaram, Indian journal of Rural Health Care, Oct-Dec 2012, Volume 1, Issue 2, P 155-158.
  6. G, Jeevithan.S, Pattern and prevalence of smoking among adults in rural area of Salem district, Indian journal of Rural Health Care, Apr-Jun 2013, Volume 1, Issue 4, P 291-298
  7. S, Dhanasekar.G, Prevalence and Socio-economic markers of tobacco use in rural area of Salem district: Focus towards smokeless tobacco, National Journal of Research in Community Medicine, Jul-Sep 2014, Volume 3, Issue 3, P 217-223
  8. S, Dhanasekar.G, Assessment of attitude of Interns towards teamwork, Indian journal of Rural Health Care, Jan-Mar 2015, Volume 3, Issue 2, P 122-124
  9. S, Dhanasekar.G, Assessment of Competency of Medical Students in Community Medicine, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, Jan 2016, Volume 3, Issue 1, P 99-103
  10. S, Dhanasekar.G, Assessment of Communication skills of Interns in an Urban Health Centre, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, Jan 2016, Volume 3, Issue 1, P 104-111
  11. S, Dhanasekar.G, Prescribing Pattern of Interns in Community Medicine during Urban Postings, Tamil Nadu, Jan-Mar 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1, P 050-058
  12. G, Jeevithan.S, Study on compliance of anti-hypertensive drugs among hypertensive patients in urban health centre of a tertiary care hospital, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, Apr 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4, P 1602-1609
  13. S, Dhanasekar.G, Prevalence of Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases in Urban Slum of Salem, Tamilnadu, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, May 2018, Volume 5, Issue 5, P 1863-1868
  14. G, Jeevithan.S, A cross sectional study on alcoholism and its co-morbidity patterns in urban adult population in Salem, Tamilnadu, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, July 2019, Volume 6, Issue 7, P 2861-2866
  15. F.Williams, Jeevithan.S, Dhanasekar.G, Community Diagnosis of a Rural Community of Salem- Community Based Learning By the Undergraduate Medical Students of a Tertiary Care Institute of Salem, Tamil Nadu, National Journal of Research in Community Medicine, Jul-Sep 2014, Volume 3, Issue 3, P 230-237
  16. S.P, Ethirajan.N. KAP of current beneficiaries of health insurance on health insurance in an urban area Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, Nat.J.Res.Com.Med, 1(3):123 177, 2012
  17. S.P, Mohammed Ibrahim.R, Abdul Nayeem.R. Comparison of self care practices among diabetic patients between a selected rural and semi urban area in Salem District. national journal of research in community medicine.2018 volume-7, issue2-apr-jun:88-92
  18. S.P, Ethirajan.N. KAP on health insurance among selected rural and urban population of Chidambaram, Tamilnadu. international journal of pharmaceutical & biological archives 2012; 3(3):808-811
  19. S.P et al screening for malnutrition among under 5 children in a selected rural area, Chidambaram, Indian journal of rural health care vol. – i  issue-i  July 2012 – p.34 to 36.
  20. S.P et al drug utilization pattern of anti-diabetic drugs in a rural area of Tamilnadu, south India – a prospective, observational study Int J Pharm bio Sci 2013 Jan; 4(1): (p) 514 – 519
  21. Sangeetha Balamurugan, Priyadarsini.S.P a prevalence study on Pediculosis Capitis among rural school children at Attyampatty, Salem district, Tamilnadu an original article- paper published in Indian j of rural health care Oct-Dec 2012;vol 1, issue 2lem
  22. S.P, Kalyani.P. A cross sectional study on pesticide poisoning among selected population among selected population of rural Tamilnadu”. Indian journal of rural health care. vol 1, issue 4. April to June: 2013(p)282-287.
  23. Sangeetha Balamurugan, Priyadarsini.S.P a descriptive study on knowledge regarding biomedical waste management among health care personnel in a tertiary care hospital. National journal of research in community medicine. vol. 3. Issue 2. Apr-Jun. 2014 (186-191)
  24. Sangeetha Balamurugan, Priyadarsini.S.P a cross sectional study on immunization status of children (10-12 months) attending tertiary care centre 44 in Salem, Tamilnadu. Indian journal of rural health care, volume - iii, issue -Jul - Aug 2014.
  25. S.P, Abdul Nayeem.R study on awareness and prevention of dengue fever in a selected rural area, Salem, Tamilnadu- descriptive longitudinal study. international journal of health sciences & research ( 14 vol.4; issue: 9; September 2014
  26. Sangeetha Balamurugan, Priyadarsini.S.P a cross- sectional study on the nutritional status among fewer than five children in the selected Anganwadi centers in a rural area, Salem district, Tamilnadu. Indian journal of rural health care, volume - i, issue iv-Apr- Jun 2013, 260-266
  27. Sangeetha Balamurugan, Priyadarsini.S.P awareness and knowledge of diabetes mellitus in a rural population of Tamilnadu-a cross sectional study. journal of rural health care, volume - i, issue iv-Apr- Jun 2013,267-272
  28. Mohammed Ibrahim.R, Priyadarsini.S.P a cross sectional study on domestic accidents among the residents of rural filed practice area of Annapoorana medical College and Hospitals, Salem, Tamilnadu. Journal on evolution of medical and dental sciences, volume-5, issue 31-apr.18, 2016, 1609-1612.
  29. Mohammed Ibrahim.R, Priyadarsini.S.P, Abdul Nayeem.R. Prevalence of risk factors for obesity, hypertension, coronary artery disease and diabetes among under-graduate medical college students of Tamilnadu. international journal of community medicine and public health.2017 sep;4(9):3250-3255
  30. Ibrahim et al. (2012). A cross-sectional study on the prevalence of hypertension among adolescent school students in rural areas of Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. Indian journal of rural health care volume 1 issue 2 October-December 2012 p133-139
  31. Ibrahim et al. (2013). a cross-sectional study on the influence of parental usage of alcohol and tobacco products on the rural school adolescents in Thiruvallur district, Tamilnadu. Indian journal of rural health care volume ii issue 1 October-December 2013 p61-63

CME /  Workshop:




A Neuroscience Perspective on Drug Dependence


Dirty Dozen


Recent Trends in Dengue Fever


Immunization in India – Recent Updates


Recent Updates in Dengue Fever


Recent Updates on Tuberculosis


State Inter Medics Quiz on Nutrition & Food Safety


Quiz for Medicos on Tuberculosis & RNTCP


ICMR Student Project:

Project approved by ICMR: Prevalence of Depression and its associated factors using Beck’s Depression Inventory among Students of a Medical College in Salem, Tamilnadu. STS-2020, ICMR, Ref: 2020-06013, R.Suruthi, 2017-18 Batch, III MBBS Part 2; Guide: Prof.Dr.G.Dhanasekar

Prize & Awards:

  1. Student R.S.Vijayalakshmi (2017-2018 batches) got second prize for poster presentation in second annual state conference of IAPSM- TN chapter held at PSG institute of medical science and research during the year 7th Sep 2019.

Educate . Empower . Enlighten

Emergency Call : 93612 83664
Sankari Main Road (NH- 544),
Veerapandi Union, Salem- 636 308,
Tamil Nadu , India.
Phone: 0427- 2203000
email: ;
Fax: 0427- 2203030
BSL Lab Phone: 0427- 2203050

Working Hours

  • College: 8.00 AM- 4.00 PM
  • OPD: 8.30 AM- 3.30 PM
  • Casualty: 24 / 7