Department of Pathology

This fascinating branch of medicine is a bridging discipline between the clinical and non-clinical subjects within the medical curriculum. Department of Pathology started functioning in the year 2009. It has various subunits like Histopathology, Cytology, Clinical Pathology, Hematology and Blood Centre.

The department is headed by an experienced pathologist and comprises a team of experienced faculty. They are actively involved in diagnostic work, curriculum development, undergraduate teaching and research.

Academic Curriculum

The department is involved in teaching and training the students on practical sessions. The teaching program consists of didactic lectures, seminars, tutorials & integrated teaching. Regular Symposium, Seminars and Quiz programs are conducted.

The academic wing has two practical halls capable of training 90 students at a time. The faculty makes good use of the demonstration rooms that are equipped with modern audio visual aids to enhance their lectures and sessions with the students. Students are evaluated by periodical internal assessment tests.

Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in the research approved by ICMR. The department has all the apparatus that are required to conduct research in basic pathology.  We are maintaining a well equipped museum with 330 mounted specimens with catalogues, 215 wet specimens and constitute excellent teaching material.


  1. Recent advances in Leukemia on 30.06.2011
  2. Updates in Leukemia on 14.10.2015
  3. Blood & Blood Components on 20.06.2016
  4. The PAP smear- The Test, Evolution And Present status on 7.12.2016
  5. Recent Advances in Breast Cancer on 12.7.2017
  6. An Update on Caner Cervix on 6.08.2018
  7. Updates in Tumors of Prostate and Urothelial malignancies on 11.03.2020
  8. Laboratory Approach to a Thrombotic Disorder. 04.11.2020
  9. Webinar on IHC 23.02.2021
  10. Bethesada system for reporting thyroid cytopathology on 09.03.2021
  11. Therapeutic uses of Blood Compnents on 31.03.2021
  12. Amyloidosis - An Update on 27.10-2021

Integrated teaching conducted with Department of Physiology, Department of Medicine.

Research conducted at AMCH

A comparative study of Pap smear cytology and histopathology of cervix biopsy

Ongoing projects

Cytology and histopathology of thyroid lesions in patients attending the OPD of tertiary care centre – a comparative study

Publications by the faculty

1.Sangeetha Kandasamy, Srinivas Muthuraju, Arumugam Vasugi .,et.aI.(March 10, 2022),”CIinicopathoIogicaI Study of Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Patients: Experience From a Tertiary Care Center in South India “,Cureus Journal of medical sciences 14(3): e23016, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23016.

2..Dr. Dipti Kolhar , Dr. C.Shashikala , Dr. S.Brindha . Fine needle aspiration cytology of palpable breast lesions with histopathology correlation. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Reasearch. Jan — Feb 2022 Volume 5, Issue 1, Page No.1009-1015.

3. Sangeetha Kandasamy, Megala Chandrasekar,TamiIseIvi Ramachadran .,” Histopathological Examination in the Categorization of Fungal Rhinosinusitis - a Retrospective Study”, Nepalese Medical Journal, (2021) Vol. 4, 478 -48

4. Dr. C. Shashikala, Dr. S. Brindha, Dr. Dipti Kolhar A study of nuclear markers of chromosomal instability in conventional cervical PAP smears. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Reasearch. November — December 2021 Volume 4, Issue 6, Page No.1009-1015

5. Dr.S.Brindha , Dr.C.SharmiIadevi , Dr.B.Saranya , A Study on Diagnostic Utility of Cell Block Preparation of Fine Needle Aspiration Material , International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research , Sep 2021, Vol 4 Issue 5

6.Dr.B.Saranya, Dr.TamiIseIvi Ramachandran, Dr.M.RoopmaIa, Comparison of three manual platelet count estimating methodologies in peripheral blood smear and their correlation with Automated platelet count values, Indian Journal of applied Research, June, 2020, Vol 10 (6), 1-4.

7.Dr.B.Saranya,Dr.C.Mythili, Comparison of Conventional PAP smear and Liquid Based Cytology for cervical cancer screening and its correlation with Biopsy, Indian Journal of applied Research, May 2020, Vol 10 (5), 56-64

8.Dr.K.M.Selvanayaki, Dr.V.Archana, A Comparative study of Pap smear cytology and histopathology of cervix biopsy, Tropical journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Mar — 2020, 6(3), 230-237

9.Dr.K.M.Selvanayaki, Morphological spectrum of lesions of upper gastrointestinal tract — A study of endoscopic biopsies, Medpulse International Journal of Pathology, Feb-2020, Vol 13 (2), 103-106.

10.Dr.Shobana, Dr.B.Saranya, Comparison of conventional Papanicolaou smear and Liquid Based Cytology for cervical cancer screening, International Journal of Scientific study, March 2018, Vol 6 (12), 1-10

11.Dr.R.Sujatha, Dr.S.Srinarthana, Dr.N.Saravanakumar, Dr.P.M.Subramaniam, Clinico pathological study of Adenomyosis, IJOG ISSN:2321-1636, Jan 2018, Vol 6 (1), 29-31

12.Dr.R.Sujatha, Dr.S.Srinarthana, Dr.P.M.Subramaniam, Dr.N.Saravanakumar, Analytical study of Hysterectomies, Medpulse — IJOGR ISSN: 2579-0870, Nov 2017, Vol 4, 28-30

13. Dr.C..Mythili, Dr.B.Saranya, Immuno histo chemical markers in salivary gland tumors, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, Sep 2017, Vol 16(9), Ver. IV, 55-6

14. Dr.R.Sujatha, Dr.Archana, Dr.N.Saravanakumar, Dr.P.M.Subramaniam, Study of Cervical PAP smear at Medical College Hospital in a rural setup, IJOGR ISSN:2394-2746, Apr-2017, Vol 4(2), 189-192

15. Dr. R.Palanisamy, Dr.K.M.Selvanayaki, A study of incidence and pattern of anaemia in patients with non-haematological malignancies. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. May 2016; 19(1): 111-114.

16. Dr. R.Palanisamy, Dr.K.M.Selvanayaki, A study of various hematological parameters in patients with non-hematological malignancies with reference to age and sex. Medpulse - International medical journal April 2016; 3(4): 414-417

17. Dr.K.M.Selvanayaki, Dr. R.Palanisamy, Study of prevalence of H. pylori among dyspeptic patients, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, 2016, Vol17(3), 258-261

18. Dr.K.M.Selvanayaki, Dr. R.Palanisamy, Study of invasive and noninvasive methods to detect H.pylori infection, MedPulse – International Medical Journal, December 2015, Vol 2(12), 935-938

19.Comparison of clinico-Pathological features of primary esophagus malignant neoplasms with gastrointestinal malignant neoplasm. Indian Journal of Pathology : Research and Practice- IJPRP Vol.5,No.1 JAN —APR 2016

20.Histopathological study of gastric tumors — 4 years Analysis in a tertiary care hospital. Journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare; Volume 2, issue 53, December 03, 2015; Page: 8746- 8750

21.Primary small intestinal malignancy — A Clinicopathological study, its comparison with primary gastrointestinal malignancy and earlier studies. Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences 2015; vol.4, issue 53, July 02; page: 9151-9157

22.A Clinicopathological study of primary gastric malignancy and its comparison with primary gastrointestinal malignancy in tertiary care hospital in south India Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences 2015; vol.4, issue 29, April 09; page:4986-4992

23.Virchow’s Node: A look beyond gut carcinoma. British Biomedical Bulletin.Vol 3, issue 2:2015; Page:199-202

24.Gastrointestinal stromal tumor — A clinicopathological study and its therapeutic outcome in a Tertiary care hospital. Int J Bio Med Res 2012; 3(2); 1532-1525

25.Clinicopathologic characteristics and therapeutic outcome of primary gastrointestinal lymphoma in cuddalore district in India. Int J Bio Med Res 2012; 3(5) 1419-1422


We are doing inpatient and outpatient services through our 24hours central laboratory. We have four service labs to provide the following services:

1. Cytology
2. Clinical Pathology
3. Hematology
4. Histopathology

The cytopathology section examines cells aspirated or exfoliated from various sites. The Papanicolaou (Pap) smear which is a screening investigation done in this section forms an important part of the early screening for cervical cancers. Many types of guided aspirates like ultrasound or CT guided fine needle aspirations are performed here which help to provide rapid, relatively inexpensive and crucial diagnoses.

The clinical pathology laboratory is well equipped with Automated hematology analyzer – three part, Automated hematology analyzer – five part, Automated ESR analyzer, Automated urine analyser and automated coagulometer that provides patients with rapid, accurate and reproducible results. It works round the clock. Quality control is done by internal and external agencies.

The histopathology lab is equipped with Grossing station, Automated tissue processor, & Semi-automated Leica Microtome for precision cutting of sections, IHC and Cryostat. An average of 18 cases is processed in our department with turn over time of 3 to 5 days.

We also have a department library with total number of library books 171.

Department also provides LED projector for the students.

During the pandemic times like COVID 19, online classes including both theory and practicals are being conducted.

Monthly assessments, university based question papers and MCQ’s are also conducted appropriately.

Annapoorana Medical College Department of Pathology Blood Centre is a service with state-of-the-art facilities. It is one of the well maintained blood centers. It is started with the vision of providing safe blood & blood components, which is collected mainly from voluntary blood donors.

It offers entire spectrum of services from blood collection to testing and component separation. Voluntary blood donor list & registry are maintained.   Blood is collected from donors who satisfy stringent donor selection criteria. Whole blood & its components like packed red cells, platelets, fresh frozen plasma, Cryoprecipitate are available. 


External and internal quality control for clinical pathology and Blood bank is done regularly and sent to CMC VELLORE and AIIMS EQAS is done for clinical pathology laboratory.


Educate . Empower . Enlighten

Emergency Call : 93612 83664
Sankari Main Road (NH- 544),
Veerapandi Union, Salem- 636 308,
Tamil Nadu , India.
Phone: 0427- 2203000
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Fax: 0427- 2203030
BSL Lab Phone: 0427- 2203050

Working Hours

  • College: 8.00 AM- 4.00 PM
  • OPD: 8.30 AM- 3.30 PM
  • Casualty: 24 / 7